Even though some experts believe that excessive running is detrimental to the human body, and others believe any amount of running is one of the key components in most athletes, Still others believe that moderation between both extremes can benefit your sport.
Running may have a heavier toll on the body than any other sport, literally. With each stride, force of two to three times the bodies weight is hammered on the joint, muscles, and tendons.
How much running is “too much” running? is there too much of a good thing? There is and it is most commonly referred to as over-training. Over training is by definition the imbalance between training and recovery.the conceptual theory behind most “plateaued” and over-worked bodies, in the
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in hopes of answering this question Marathon runners take a strict and balanced level of training to build the body to an appropriate level of strength and endurance. If the athlete over-trains for a marathon, he or she may be doing more harm than good. meaning they may peak too early. the athlete is overall setting his or her body up for injury. The body requires rest and recovery for rebuilding, and resting muscles. The lack of rest leads to underperformance. This is why sleep is so beneficial, essential and important.
Kuipers, H., and H. A. Keizer. "Overtraining in elite athletes." Sports Medicine 6.2 (1988): 79-92.
In a well monitored training program, the body would have adequate sleep. The bodies nutrition would consist of carbohydrates, calories, adequate sugar and protein as well as electrolytes, to replace those, lost in sweat. The workout routine would prioritize muscles on certain days (arm day, legs day, chest day, back day) . The risk of injury would be decreased due to adequate stretching, and swimming. swimming allows for natural resistance, and is essential in recovery. This is because Swimming has no ground impact, unlike running. Swimming improves endurance, heart strength as well as lung function all together. Olympic swimmer Janet Evens insists running combined with swimming is a good way to “improve conditioning faster and stay uninjured.”
Siebers, Lynn S., and Robert G. McMurray. "Effects of swimming and walking on exercise
The documented history of the incident which occurred at Rosewood, Florida in January 1923 is a group of recollections from a few of Rosewood survivors, new stories and/or coverage. Racial violence in the nation before the events of Rosewood happened. Because of the racial tension during and after the war, many blacks migrated from the south. Florida’s government soon supported black leaving the South. “…proposed Congress purchase territory, either foreign or domestic, and transport black such regions where they could live separate lives and govern themselves” pg 4.
According to O’Toole, the boundary between hard training and overtraining is not clear. There is no proper amount of training that will benefit all athletes as what will be considered normal for one athlete may be difficult for another causing him/her to overtrain. The results that are found in athletes that are overtrained are a decrease in performance ability as well as fatigue with or without a variety of specific physiological symptoms.
Research into the relationship between physiological variables and running performance has been variable. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between 5k running performance and a number of physiological variables in a group of 11 trained club runners (Age 21.451.63yrs, Height 175.092.77cm, Weight 67.865.12kg). The athletes underwent a laboratory treadmill test to determine their maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and running velocities at lactate threshold (v-Tlac) and blood lactate concentration of 4mM (v-OBLA). Running performance was determined by a 5k time-trial on an athletics
Before camp, I typically ran four or five miles on the days without a practice, but thanks to the training I received there, I now know how to schedule my workouts to best achieve success. Nowadays, my typical training week includes a long run, a tempo run, two scheduled practices with my team, an easy run, and a day off before a cross-country meet. I also learned what these different types of runs do. For instance, jogging over a long distance allows muscle cells to recruit mitochondria, which improves aerobic respiration, while a tempo run – running quickly for a short period of time – “flushes” the lactic acid caused by the repetitive motion of the long run. Running at
Running is a metal sport, no doubt. Training and preparing, also plays a pivotal role in a runner's ability, but can be deemed worthless without a strong mental game. I run cross country and
Overtraining occurs because of an imbalance between a Physical load placed on an athlete and their coping capacity. One of the reasons why athletes may over train is because of their parents/coaches that can push them to sports and wanting them to be good. They want their child to earn a college scholarship and push them to their limits. Working harder and never taking a break, because "someone else is working around the clock to be the best", is the most warped and tired mentality that coaches and parents feed young people…The problem is a lack of education and knowledge of our own bodies. The reality is that only a select number of athletes earn scholarships every year. It is a mentality now that these athlete need to playing all year and
"Runners are the 'healthiest sick people in the world'", according to ultrarunner Jeff Robbins. In an email that I received from him he added, “One of the problems with the ultras is that you are always stressing things to the limits. Therefore problems tend to crop up. Half the fun in this sport is learning to deal with adversity no matter how it comes." Injury is a runner's most dreaded and aggravating obstacle. Sometimes no matter how much the mind wills it, the body cannot go on without causing itself permanent damage. Pushing beyond these limitations will eventually cause the body to rebel and self-destruct. There are preventative measures that can be taken to stop these
Running has many different aspects of workouts and forms of doing it. Comparisons a lot of people make is that cross country and track are the same thing, but those two sports are entirely different. Both do deal with running, but the differences are very major and they go much as to change the workouts done for the sports. More comparisons that are mostly said that if a runner enjoys long distance running then they also should go out for track since it has long distance events. Even though it has those events it doesn’t change the fact the two are very different.
Initially coming out for the sport, I had no interest in living healthy, but the knowledge that I have gained from my coaches and teammates has helped me embrace a healthy lifestyle. When I first became involved in the sport, I knew that runners ate particularly healthy in order to fuel their bodies with nutritional energy and I had been a little worried about that because at that point in time I wasn’t what you call a healthy eater, but I was up to the task and still to this day I am happy that I made the improvement. One thing that I had not realized about runners that had surprised me, was the fact that runners lift weights. When I first got to practice on my first day, the first work out that was planned was a half hour session of lifting. I was at fist curios to why a runner needed to lift in the first place, but as the months went by, I came to realize that not only did I feel stronger, but I looked stronger as well. Running has not only shaped me character wise, but it literally has shaped my mind and my body into what it is
shin splints, stress fractures and runners knee. So often we look at the “runners body” in pictures
Over exercising can cause problems such as chronic pain, for runners this can be in the knee and heels from where their feet are pounding against the concrete, people who train with heavy weight are more likely to strain joints and pull muscles. If someone exercise’s at a high intensity for a long period of time, they may develop an increased appetite, which can be bad for the
A big part of running is not just your physical abilities. It is also a mental sport. Your body can be pushed so far and hard and keep going, but it is your mind that tells you to stop. We learn what is good pain and bad pain. We teach ourselves not to stop when we feel like it.
Many people have other reasons why they run. However, running for weight loss is the most common one. Running has been scientifically proven to extremely burn large amounts of calories. Along with other health benefits for example it reduces stress, and boost metabolism.
Many see the foible of running, for they believe it is repetitive and boring. Those who say that have a good point. After all, one is just moving quickly down a long, straight, unchanging asphalt road with no electronics to play with or nothing to eat or drink. They do not understand that running is very versatile
There can also be too much competition which happens when there are people competing for a prize. People can also get discouraged when running because some are doing it to lose weight and some do not lose weight. People can also “hit the wall” when running which happens when a person overdoes their exercise and can be physically harmed. Although there are some negatives, there are more positives to running.