
SWOT Analysis: General Electric and Philips Healthcare

Satisfactory Essays

SWOT Table of General Electric and Philips Healthcare
General Electric
Philips Healthcare
Keen in inn ovation expert in the field of health care technology such as medical imaging, information technology, and patient monitoring systems has become a market leader in quality control (e.g. Quilibria Quality Management Solution offering, and quality control workshops on healthcare such as mammography)
Expert in the field of health care technology such as medical imaging, information technology, and patient monitoring systems
Invests in cutting edge healthcare quality control technology and innovations aimed at raising the standards of quality of care.
Tight maintenance over its quality control issues
Major Competition
Rising commodity prices and increasing inflation
Asset prices across key divisions have fallen
Increasing instability in global marketplace resulting in more risk
(Freudenheim, 2000)
Reprimanded by the FDA over its imaging center at Cleveland
Major Competition
Rising commodity prices and increasing inflation
Increasing instability in global marketplace resulting in more risk
Fast growing markets in Australia, China, Brazil, and India.
Introducing new products at low cost prices
Enormous opportunity in cheap healthcare
The company has offices in more than 63 countries
Demand for technological expertise is increasingly needed; the company has more than 6,000 service technicians.
The company

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