
Safeguarding Abuse

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If an individual starts to act out of character, their behaviour changes, their demeanour differs or they start to put themselves at risk it may be an indication of abuse, whereby safeguarding should be put into action. Often when a child or young person is being abused they are subjected to more than one type, therefore it is essential that the different type of abuse is highlighted and the signs or symptoms of abuse is identified so that if they are acknowledge they are reported and acted upon. Below I have input a table of types of abuse along with indicators or signs which people should be aware of which is cause for concern in relation to safeguarding and protecting children and young adults Type of abuse Indicators Domestic Abuse …show more content…

It is a hidden crime and young people often trust their abuser Go missing from home, involved in abusive relationships, associate with others in sexual exploitation, involved in gangs, have older partners, involved in petty crimes, change in physical appearance Female Genital Mutilation When partial or total removal of female genitalia for non – medical reasons. Signs and symptoms can be before or after the abuse has taken place Unexpected prolonged absence from

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