
Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young Pepole Essay

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Safeguarding the welfare of children and young

Assignment 008
Task A

1. The children act 1989 ( England and Wales ) / children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 is a current and national piece of legislation of safeguarding children and young people.

2. All work settings with children and young people must have policies and procedures in relation to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people. two of those are. Arrangements for CRB checks on all adults who have regular unsupervised access to children up to the age of 18. A CRB check is a criminal records bureau check used by employers to check the background of a person for any criminal offensies. It is primerailly designed to protect the welfare of children …show more content…

Harming, abusing or bullying Immediately speak to the designated

A child or young person. person for safeguarding unless that is

the person the concerns are about. In

this case you would speak to someone

more senior if available. If not you

would need to contact social services

or Ofsted .

6. Contact details, medical information and child’s records should all be treated with confidentially and information shared with only people that need to know in order to carry out there roles in the work setting. If a child shares information with you that they have a best friend and they ask you to keep a secret then that can be kept. But if a child shares information with you that could be affecting there safety or well- being then this information cannot be kept to your self and would have to be shared with the named person within the work setting that deals with safeguarding. The information must not be shared with others unless asked to by the named person. If the child asked you to keep the secret you should advised them that you may have to share the information as its would be breaking

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