
The Cultural Influence Of Safety Culture In Aviation

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In the realm of aviation, safety culture is regarded as the paramount factor for which successful travel from point A to point B occurs. Safety culture in of itself is not a fixed, precisely shared set of standards, but rather an ever-changing, fragile system that depends on a variety of influences to maintain its distinction. Safety culture can be further broken down into its three cultural influences: national, organizational, and professional culture. In terms of aviation safety, all three of these cultural influences can strengthen as well as deter safe operation in unique, yet interconnected ways. Airlines across the world implement various safety cultures to their operations, but sometimes safety must be discussed in terms of small …show more content…

Ranging from mechanical/electrical issues to meteorological phenomena, most aircraft accidents involve not one or two issues leading up to an accident, but sometimes more than half a dozen. And more often than not, these issues can in some way be traced back to failures relating to human factors, rather than failures on behalf of the aircraft. Most pilots would agree that one of the scariest, if not deadly human errors involved in flying an aircraft is spatial disorientation. Spatial disorientation often occurs during instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) and/or at night, when the pilot has the least amount of outside visual orientation cues. Disorientation in flight, be it of the vestibulo, ocular, or somatic senses, can prove detrimental if not recognized and corrected for early on. What makes these illusions so dangerous is the way human bodies react to them; the seemingly natural corrections humans undertake to combat spatial disorientation often prove to be the opposite of what should actually be done. Even instrument rated pilots fall prey to visual illusions and spatial disorientation in IMC, proving that some of the most qualified pilots can be fooled. Since spatial disorientation can happen to anyone, regardless of experience, it seems the best way to prevent disorientation-related accidents is through continuing education. Although not a perfect strategy, if every pilot became fully aware of the various in-flight visual

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