
Safety In The Movie : Tommy Boy : Occupational Safety

Decent Essays

Tommy Boy is misleading people to think that warehouse workers are irresponsible when it comes to safety. There is a lot of examples throughout the movie of people that are reckless while working in a storehouse setting. Throughout the movie they show these examples as being funny, but if these people really worked in a distribution center, they would have been written up or fired for violating the rules of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and most likely their company. Tommy Boy shows inaccurate examples of people that don’t care about the safety of themselves or others. The movie starts off with main character Tommy going to see his father. His father is the one that owns the facility. When Tommy finds his father in a meeting, his father tells him to go with him and his employees to take a tour of the building. While on that tour they walk underneath a pallet that is elevated by a forklift. This is very dangerous because there is a lot of things that could happen. One would be that the forklift would move forward and run them over because the position of the load covers the view of the operator on the lift. The second would be that the operator of the forklift would lower the pallet on top of them. The last option is shown on the movie in which Tommy runs his head into the pallet. Tommy running into a pallet would have been a lot of safety issues when it came to really working in a warehouse. As well as, a lot of ways to get hurt or hurt someone else.

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