
Safety Project 1

Satisfactory Essays

Factor | Actions to be Taken | Date | Person Responsible | Additional Factors | KPI’s | Employees are unaware of OHS legislation and Codes of Practise | Incorporate the required information into the induction training for new employees and create a refresher course for existing employees | Week 1 | OHS representative and training manager | Must cover national, state/ territory legislation and codes of practise | Induction course updatedNew refresher course created | Employees are unaware of which policies and procedures are current and have not received training on them in 2 years | Review and update induction program and deliver to all employees.Develop policy for timing of induction refreshers and procedure review. | | OHS …show more content…

| An OHS training needs analysis has not been undertaken in 2 years | Conduct a training needs analysis for position descriptions engaging the workforce to identify shortfalls. Develop a policy for training needs recognition | | OHS representative and site managementHR Manager | Ensure that skill gaps are identified and training is relevant to the position description | Completion of the training needs analysis policies and training needs analysis | Pressing OHS gaps that need to addressed with training | Identify gaps and undertake training. | | OHS representative and site management | Link to skills audit to ensure that training is relevant | Training undertake for identified gaps | Management reluctant to approve OHS training due to cost | Identify the dollar cost of not taking training. Identify if an incident occurs the lost time and cost to replace the employee while they are recuperating. Depending on severity of incident criminal charges may be applicable. | | OHS representative and site management | | Management approval for OHS training | Workplace hazard assessments have not been

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