
Sample Mission Statement

Satisfactory Essays

Your mission is to show and share the love of Jesus by promoting wellness and providing quality, affordable health care for Lawndale and the neighboring communities. If you are selected for this position, tell us how you can support our mission?
If I am selected for this position, I can wholeheartedly support your mission. As a Christian, I am comfortable with displaying and sharing the love of Jesus. I am invested in cutting healthcare disparities and experience in working with disadvantaged populations on projects. So, I can implement and support Lawndale Christian Health Center.
Please describe your experience working in a multicultural environment. *
I had always lived and interacted in multicultural settings. I was born and raised in Chicago. I had attended Chicago public schools, City Colleges of Chicago, and University of Illinois at Chicago. These institutions are primarily filled with diverse students from different background. I volunteered for the Chicago Care Organization. As a volunteer, I went to lower income elementary schools. The majority of students came from …show more content…

Include your reason for leaving.
Current or most recent employer: University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Pediatrics dates of employment: May 2016 to Present

starting and ending salary: paid hourly ($9.39)
Include your reason for leaving: Looking for full time employment for gap year
Why are you interested in working at Lawndale Christian Health Center? *
I am interested in working at Lawndale Christian health center because I am interested in aiding underserved populations. My long-term goal is to become a medical physician. I feel this organization can give me a strong perspective on resolving health inequality.

In May 2017, I will graduate with the Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Before matriculating to graduate or medical school, I will have a gap

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