Paul Harris said that “Personality has power to uplift, power to depress, power to curse, and power to bless.” Your personality carries with you when you travel. It is your traits and characteristics and to satisfy your personality that you must find the right job that fits. I have the ability to delight others and make them lighten up and enjoy the world and in turn that has a positive outcome on me. Because of my optimistic, witty, and warm personality, I have chosen to pursue a career in the field of nursing where I will be assisting and helping as many patients as I can, pushing myself to my full potential while conquering challenges and making the world a better place.
Upon my search for this career I must have a education to start. I want to attend Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia. I chose Shenandoah University because I met a nurse during a visit to the ER. While asking her about her job as a nurse she mentioned that
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While working in the Emergency Room as a Registered Nurse the salary is $ 69,510. Getting paid $ 29.62 hourly. Registered nurses earn on average $64,690 a year, depending on level of education, experience, geographic location and the type of facility. Experienced registered nurses with advanced education can earn $80,000 a year or more. Being a Registered Nurse has many benefits including financial benefits, career benefits, and flexible work hours. Financial benefits for being a nurse offers signing bonuses, salary hikes, work schedules that are friendly to their families, and a subsidized training. Career benefits for being a nurse offers many alternatives advancement opportunities and specialty areas. Nurses can work in hospitals, outpatient care centers, physician's’ offices, home health care, and nursing care facilities. Nurses have flexible work hours meaning they have variety of shifts to work. They can have a schedule that fits perfect for their
I have watched shows on TLC of ER doctors and nurses and they seem to see bizarre things that are rather quite interesting. Being a nurse means I will make a ton of money and that’s my goal. Nursing is a lot of schooling and not only that you have to have a really strong stomach to do some of the nasty jobs a nurse has to do. The schooling is a 2 or more year degree in nursing and another few in math which isn’t bad. I already take principals of biomedical sciences class here at the high school so that would be a great job that I am very interested in
The patient tells me that she is unsure when her last menstrual cycle was. Her periods are very irregular and she had not been keeping track of it. She and her husband have been attempting pregnancy for the last year and a half and she tells me that as of Thursday, August 27th, she and her husband had gone through the procedures for adoption. She said that she knows she ovulated on August 18th. She was using an ovulation kit. She took a home pregnancy test on the 28th, which was positive, repeated with a different brand of test on the 29th and that was also positive. She has a regular gynecologist with York Gynecology, Robert Cervenka, MD, that she uses regularly, and she already has an appointment with him
RN’s have the option to work in specialized health care facilities that mainly focus on specific disease processes or conditions. To become a registered nurse, the licensure requires a two-year associate degree from a college or university in nursing which after completed is followed by a state exam that is required to earn their title. From there, they have the ability to further their education and attain a bachelor’s degree. A bachelor’s degree in nursing in today’s standards is becoming more of a requirement for nursing positions in hospitals due to their increased capabilities of specialized care in a health care setting along with administrative positioning availability. The income for Registered Nurses compared to Licensed Practical Nurses is a drastic difference due to the increased care and responsibilities that come with the RN title. According to the article LPN vs RN: The Advantages of Being a Registered Nurse written by Brianna Flavin, an average registered nurses salary in 2014 was $66,640 per year compared to an LPN with an average of $42,490 per year (Flavin 1, 2016). The roles of a registered nurse compared to licensed practical nurse may differ in certain areas however, they are mainly similar within the fact that their focus is to help and treat patients, so they can heal or manage their diseases and
The Salary of an RN is about $36.94 per hour, but the work schedule of a nurse is crazy. Nurses never really get a break especially floor nurses. I have talked to quite a few nurses and they have said that since you don’t truly get a break you tend to gain weight do to constantly eating/snacking. The education needed to be a Registered Nurse would be a Bachelor Degree which is a four year process. To be a Registered Nurse or RN you will need no training. On the job you will administer basic health care which is a temporary health coverage program for low-income, uninsured United States citizens or permanent legal residents of Contra Costa County. As an RN you will being giving patients intravenous medications. An intravenous
The job outlook for a registered nurse is in Ohio, hourly a nurse gets paid $29.46. Yearly a nurse gets paid $61,300. In the United States, nurses get paid hourly $32.45, yearly they get paid $67,500. Some nurses get paid more or less depending on what state they live in.
I would like to officially apply for the open position as a new graduate clinical nurse. I am CPR certified (American Heart Association), with current CNA license (Maryland Board of Nursing). My expected graduation for my RN is 12/2017 from Montgomery College Nursing Program in Silver Spring, MD. I will be furthering my education in nursing to a BSN starting Spring 2018 at Frostburg University.
When it comes to intravenous medications the Enrolled Nurse works within the Enrolled Nurse’s Standards. Currently not all Enrolled Nurses can administer intravenous medications. Only Enrolled Nurses that have successfully completed intravenous unit of study “Administer and monitor intravenous medication (IV) in the nursing environment” HLTEN519C can administer IV medications (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA), 2015). Without this unit of study an Enrolled Nurse’s registration will show this through no notation on their registration. Scope of practice is that in which all Nurses are educated, competent to perform and permitted by law (NMBA, 2015). For a person to hold an endorsement for medication, the person in question has to be qualified through education, and have an understanding of their own obligations in relation to being endorsed to administer medications (Drugs and Poisons Act 1996, p 26). If an Enrolled nurse without the notation was to administer IV medications they would then be working
When receiving a degree in nursing, there are different ways to receive an RN license. One way to get your RN is by working your way up a career ladder. For example, the first step to entering the medical field would be to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. This is also known as a CNA. CNAs work under the supervision of an RN or LVN. They mainly work with geriatrics also known as old people and are mainly hired at long term care facilities or in-home care where they make about $28,000 a year. The next step on the ladder would be to earn your LVN license. LVN stands for Licensed Vocational Nurse. These nurses work similar to registered nurses but are not completely certified like a nurse. LVNs are able to give medications and give shots but are still under the supervision of an RN. LVNs make $41,073 a year. Last but not least, you will do a bridge program at either a city college or state and
The average yearly salary for a registered nurse is close to $70,000 and the average amount a registered nurse makes in an hour is close to $35. If you work for a while you may earn a little more than when you started. The most you can make in a year is close to $80,000-$85,000 and the least is about $40,000. Education makes a difference in salary because there are different jobs in the field of a Registered Nurse that requires a longer amount of college
My first plan of action would be to plan out what courses I should take in high school. Classes that would benefit for this job include of physiology, microbiology, chemistry, nutrition, psychology, liberal arts and anatomy. Secondly, my next plan of action would be to see what courses, programs, and degrees I would need in college to achieve in becoming a registered nurse. The first thing I would need is an ADV meaning an approved nurse program. Reaching this would take about two to three years of schooling. An ADV program is also required for this position, because you must be a graduate of some approved nursing program and licensed before becoming a registered nurse. The second program you will need is called the BSN program meaning a science degree. Receiving a science degree takes about four years. After you have taken some type of program along these lines and have been become a licensed nurse , you then could start applying or you can take it one step further. You may continue to achieve your bachelor’s degree to unroll into becoming promoted from a registered nurse. These are my plan of actions I will need to succeed into becoming a registered
The standard beginning wage is $25.99 per hours. A total of 66,640 a year, at entry level nursing, its a total of $44,343(Nurse Journal). The wage for an experienced employee is 71,000 per year. Which is about $34.14 per hour, 10% of the field earn over 94,000 a year. The median salary is 68,450, average salary is 72,180. In California the median salary is 101,750(Cost Helper). A few “perks” about the employees receive from this job is a sick leave for 26 weeks, vacation time is all of the hours you’ve worked. Benefits of being a nurse are job opportunities are endless, always will have a job opening. Becoming an registered nursing is not an easy task, it consist of training and education. The minimum level of education required for this job is an Bachelor's Degree, Associates Degree, and undergraduate. The licensing or testing thats required to gain entry
I want to request an exception to the Nursing Admission requirement for the English language proficiency examination. English is not my first language. I have been in the US for more than six years, and by the time I get into nursing school I will be here more than seven years (very close to the required time which is eight years). I do not have problem with English at all in school. The last English class I took at Century College was English 1021, and I got an A. In the fall semester of 2016 my GPA was 3.66, and my name was on the Dean’s list. I believe that English language is not a factor that could hold me back from my academic achievement, therefore I hope to have the exception to the English language proficiency examination.
The nursing profession encompasses the largest employment in a hospital setting as well as providing most of the long-term care. Registered nurses are the primary providers of patient care and are one of the largest occupations in the United States with an average salary of $66,700 annually. The National Advisory on Nursing Education has recommended that two-thirds of the nurses receive at least a bachelor degree in nursing. (N.d. ), Nursing Fact Sheet,
More and more nursing students are entering universities to become nurses and midwives with a passion for working in the remote areas of Australia with the indigenous population. Here is one nursing student’s story that shares her positive experiences with other nurses and healthcare professionals during her placement at ASH (Alice Springs Hospital).
Everyone knows that health careers tend to make a decent amount of money, but according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “the average amount of money that an RN makes is between $47,710 and $69,850” (Registered Nurses). You typically work about fifty to sixty hours a week, on a normal shift. Meaning, 7a.m. to 3p.m., 3 p.m. to11 p.m. and 11p.m-7a.m. During your shift you will have to treat patients, educate the patient on how to care for themselves properly, provide assistance and emotional support for the patients and the families of the patients, administer medication, provide rehabilitation, use medical machinery, record symptoms and medical history, as well as do follow up follow up records. As I learned from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, RN’s also perform special