
Sample Resume : Certified Paralegal Essay

Better Essays

Four States offer paralegal certifications and two offer document preparer certifications through their State Bar Associations. These states authorize a certification examination to educationally qualified paralegals or legal assistants, however, certification is not required in these states to work as a paralegal. After successful completion of the examination the Bar Associations authorize the paralegal to use the title of “Certified Paralegal.”
The concept of a “certified paralegal” being superior to a paralegal is erroneousness, giving the misleading impression of non-existent qualifications.
Certified paralegals undertake excessive recurring costs, expensive educational requirements, recertification examinations fees, mandatory seminars with additional educational courses to obtain certification. The certification fails to provide the certified paralegal with any unique abilities not available to non-certified paralegals including higher salaries. All paralegals must work under the supervision of an attorney, excluding document preparers who are permitted to prepare specific documentation without supervision. But certified paralegals, document preparers, and non-certified paralegals are not permitted to practice law or give legal advice. All states and the federal government statutorily bar the Unauthorized Practice of Law (UPL) by paralegals or anyone else not a member of the Bar Association. therefore, the costs, programs, and title of “certified

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