Choose one artist with several links. View the links. Comment on what you most liked about his work. Do you have one in particular that you liked? Why? I chose Sandro Botticelli because his story called my attention, I believe the story of the Medici family is interesting. Botticelli was born in the period of the Italian renaissance and was took at the age of fourteen to become an apprentice, and by age of fifteen opened his own shop. This is just impressive, I cannot visualize a teenager being an owner of a business, I know things at that time were quite different. Yet, is hard to think this young man was mature enough at that age because I have read books and information about the human brain and how develops. I also know women were married off at the age of fourteen and had babies around that age. All these facts about history, once put together become impressive and shocking. Makes me wonder if humanity is moving forward or backward in the evolution, does people used to mature faster before? Or we just got slower? …show more content…
She appeared many times even on the same painting, it was Simonetta repeatedly or at least some similar looking women then. I believe he was in love with her otherwise why will he paint her so much. What I find intriguing is her death and that she was married. He painted several women that looked just like Simonetta wearing little to none clothes, that makes me wonder if it was true they were in love and had a secret affair. Is possible that Botticelli imagine her like that for his paintings, but during that period artist used to use real people to model for
After having at least two illegitimate girls Sarah is believed to have married, for a time, a man by the name of Hartley and may have been the man who was the father of the blind child. Sarah's time as a domestic, along with her younger siblings were all in Weyburn Saskatchewan some 350 km south east of Rosetown, well away from their father. At some point she lost her husband and lived alone with a severe case of diabetes that would become the cause of her death. Again Florence was the only sibling to attend the burial.
Anthony Petrello is easily recognized as the CEO, President and Chairman of Board of Nabors Industries ltd. According to an overview published on, the company runs the largest fleet of drilling rig in the US. Petrello was appointed as board member of the company in 1991. He was later named Nabors Industries President and Chief Executive Officer in October 2011. Petrello holds a Juris Doctor Degree from Harvard Law School as well as Master and Bachelor degree in Mathematics from the prestigious Yale University. Anthony Petrello holds board memberships in various companies and organizations including; Nabors Industries Ltd, MediaOnDemand Inc, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston Museum of Fine Arts and Stewart & Stevenson LLC. He is also a member of National Petroleum Council and Council on Foreign Relations.
Fernando Botero is an internationally acclaimed figurative artist and sculptor. He is one of the most traded and recognized artists from Latin America. His art is exhibited in international museums worldwide and follows an art-style he spent years to perfect. Fernando Botero’s success began in Columbia; he then moved Barcelona, Madrid and finally Paris where he now spends most of his time. Botero’s beginner art was frequently criticized for “lacking its own identity” as it was influenced by the works of various renowned artists such as Diego Rivera, Pablo Picasso, Francisco Goya and Diego Velasquez. As a result, Botero developed his own, unique style known as “Boterismo” (Bertamini). However, Fernando Botero’s newly founded style was often
John Joseph Gotti, Jr. was born on October 27, 1940. He was the fifth child of eleven children. His parents were John J. Gotti Sr. and Fannie Gotti. John Gotti's father was believed to be a hardworking immigrant from the Neapolitan section of Italy, though Gotti would later describe his father as a New Jersey native who has never set foot in Italy and never worked a day in his life to provide for the family. The Gotti family grew up in the slums of the South Bronx. Although Gotti denies it, his father worked hard to move them out of the poor neighborhoods. John J. Gotti Sr., after much perseverance, later moved his family to the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood. However, after living in Sheepshead Bay for about a year, the Gotti
Emiliano Zapata, born on August 8, 1879, in the village of Anenecuilco, Morelos (Mexico), Emiliano Zapata was of mestizo heritage and the son of a peasant medier, (a sharecropper or owner of a small plot of land). From the age of eighteen, after the death of his father, he had to support his mother and three sisters and managed to do so very successfully. The little farm prospered enough to allow Zapata to augment the already respectable status he had in his native village. In September of 1909, the residents of Anenecuilco elected Emiliano Zapata president of the village's "defense committee," an age-old group charged with defending the community's interests. In this position, it was Zapata's duty to represent his village's
The Decameron, by Boccaccio, is a frame story written in the mid fourteenth century. There are a hundred stories told over a span of ten days. On the second day, a man tells a story about a princess, Alatiel, who was sent away to marry a king. Before Alatiel reaches her destination, she has sexual experiences with a lot of different men. Alatiel is treated like an object and allows this objectification to happen because she is so fickle and does nothing to stop the men. The fickleness of Alatiel and the treatment of her as an object is evident throughout the story.
In the Romano Pitesti case, Tickton-Jones’ Management Team is faced with a situation that is not altogether uncommon in the business world, in that some employees feel that members of the Sales staff are being given “special” treatment by the company. Romano’s actions have probably not been as bad as what has been described to Management, but due to the fact that employees are still trying to find their place in the new, combined company, any hint of “unfairness” is immediately put under a microscope by other employees, and therefore, Management will have to take some sort of action, in order to show the other employees that their concerns are being taken seriously.
His many works include the “Palazzo di Parte Guelfa,” the “Rotonda degli Angeli,” and the “Ponte a Mare at Pisa.” There is however some debate to whether Brunelleschi was responsible for the original designs for the Pitti Palace. After his death he was buried in Santa Maria del Fiore. However, his tomb was not discovered until 1972 (Lombroso 5).
Bottega Veneta was established in 1966 by Michele Taddei and Renzo Zengiaro in Vicenza. The name Bottega Veneta means “Venetian shop” in Italian. Bottega Veneta prided themselves on craftsmanship. They developed a leather weaving technique called intrecciato that remains a signature of the brand. In the beginning of the 1970s, Bottega Veneta built its reputation around the irreproachable quality of their work and advertising with the tag line “When your own initials are enough" - the discretion of their designs. The motto “When your own initials are enough” conveys a concept of individuality and confidence that now applies to women and men’s leather goods, ready-to-wear, shoes, jewellery, furniture and more. By the early 1980s, Bottega Veneta
Botticelli was able to master these techniques due to being taught by another prominent Renaissance artist, Filippo Lippi. First, there is a lot of detail. For example, there are hundreds of different types of flowers and leaves in the meadow. Upon looking closely at the clothing of the different characters, one can see the immense detail used by Botticelli in the tassels and fabric of the clothing. Furthermore, the flower detail connecting Flora to Chloris is a small detail that has a deeper emblematic meaning. The standing positions of characters give off a vibe of elegance and grace to viewers; according to Dr. Harris an Art Historian from Khan Academy, "She (Venus) tilts her head to one side and holds up her drapery and motions with her hands and looks directly at us," (Harris). The position of Venus is very elegant and inviting to viewers. Also, Botticelli portrayed the subject matter in a naturalistic way, a common convention of the Renaissance. Botticelli paid attention to the canon of proportions or the standard for symmetry of the face and body as evidenced by the similarities between the La Primavera and other Renaissance paintings, all of which depict the standards of beauty of the time or what was ideal beauty. Formally speaking, Botticelli went against the conventions of the
Gioachino Rossini, like many great composers, was born in the right place at the right time. The musical firmament was still mourning the loss of Wolfgang Mozart in 1792 when Rossini was born. His parents were both gifted musicians, and young Gioachino was in a music conservatory by the age of 14. Rossini composed ten operas within the following seven years and had established himself as a gifted composer in the opera buffa style. This genre of comic opera was strikingly different from the rigorous opera seria, but it still managed to acquire some noticeable traits. Primarily, the arias in opera buffe shirk the da capo style of the seria mold. The subject matter deals frequently
”My goal, which was, I believe, shared by most italians at that time, was to unite the country and rid it of foreign powers. Those who gave Italy her freedom would earn her people’s gratitude” (Garibaldi, page 6). During the age of Italian unification, there were three men who fought for her (Italy’s) freedom. Those men were Cavour the brains, Mazzini the soul, and Garibaldi the sword (Chastain).
Giovanni Boccaccio's the Decameron, written in the Early Renaissance, is a sharp social commentary that reflected the ideas and themes of the Renaissance and of Renaissance Humanism. His tales of nuns and priests caught in compromising situations, corrupt clergy selling chances to see religious artifacts, and of wives cheating on their husbands show the changing ideals of the time and the corruption that was running rampant within the church and in the lives of the general populace. The Decameron speaks against this corruption and reflects the secular attitude of living as happily as possible, demoting the principals of Christian morality that had ruled daily life in the time before the Renaissance. Another concept that sprung from the
Marinetti’s manifesto which demonstrates an adoration and respect for the Fascist aesthetic come from his belief in the ideology behind it. He finds beauty in art and other representations of characteristically fascist ideals such as violent militaristic nationalism and the use of technology to claim power and superiority. One such representation of an aesthetic attribute Marinetti lists in his manifesto is the automobile that gifts the world “the beauty of speed [using its] great pipes, like serpents of explosive breath” (Marinetti 4). Not only does the artist champion the machine as the key to advancement and improvement of the human race, he also imagines that it possesses violent capabilities. The fascist regime in V for Vendetta share
Raphael was one of the most important artists of the Italian Renaissance. Raphael painted and designed many brilliant pieces of work and the stanzas inside the Vatican. He was a master at such necessities of modern art such as depth and perspective and the use of light and shadow, and was the turning point styles of paintings like the use of Madonnas in paintings. Through his short life, Raphael would make some of the most awe-inspiring, beautiful, and influential works of art during the Italian Renaissance.