
Satire About Monsters

Decent Essays

It was hard for me to chose only one America's current monster obsessions. How could I possibly chose from a list of monsters that are constantly put in books, TV shows, and cheesy T-shirts that I can't help admire. Werewolves are big and scary tear people apart, what's not to love about that? That's the problem though, werewolves are portrayed as a romantic creature that is also human. Vampires suck people's blood, how could you not choose a creature that's fast, strong, creepy, and dead. Vampires are the entire package, but again are ruined because they are in books kissing girls, so that's a no. After crossing those two off I was left with aliens and zombies, both good choices that could be talked about in a million ways. I decided on a monster that I find absolutely …show more content…

Are brains connect zombies with the end to modern society. Today in modern times everyone is dependent of technology and are society, that going away is terrifying. It terrifies me thinking about having my life taken away from me. I don't want to to give up my minute rice, 24/7 TV, and double stuff Oreos. And I'm sure everyone feels the same way. How we live is like a old sweater we constantly wear and the dryer is like the zombies, you can picture your sweater being destroyed by the dryer. I know it's a strange metaphor, but for some reason it seems to fit. Zombies represent are ever present fear of destruction and fear of evil taking over the living and the dead. In a way when you kill a zombie it's still technically a human body, so really your afraid of other people and even yourself. If you turn you would hurt other people, become a monster that you were afraid of. Becoming what you fear is a huge them when it comes to zombies, assuming that the zombies are the type that can turn you of course. As I once said before, zombies are associated with destruction which can also be taken as a sign of disapproval of

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