
Sbar Sample Sbar Template

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In an effort to improve nurse to provider communication, an SBAR template (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) is being implemented as a format for nurses to share relevant patient information during a triage visit. The project will be developed with input from the Clinical Nurse Supervisor, Information Management Specialist, Staff Nurses, and Providers. A nurse to provider SBAR template will be created and intergraded into the current electronic health record system for utilization during triage. Eventually a policy can be developed requiring the SBAR template to be used by all registered nurses during triage to improve communication between the nurse and provider. In order to limit the scope of this project due to time restrictions, the researcher will pilot the new tool exclusively on one team at the White City VA SORCC. The nurse and provider on the team will utilize the SBAR template for one week during all triage visits. At the completion of the week, the team will determine the feasibility of utilizing the SBAR template, as well as provide recommendations for its modification. Any modifications will be implemented, and an additional pilot study will be performed for one week. The will allow for two PDSA cycles to present to the Director of Out-Patients Services who has the authority to approve or deny the SBAR template utilization by the Registered Nurse during triage. …show more content…

This style of documentation standardizes the communication between the health care team, providing information and a sequence in which both parties know what to expect. The format allows data to be recorded in for basic categories which include Situation, Background, Assessment, and

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