
Scarface's 'Beauty And The Beast'

Satisfactory Essays

I chose Beauty and the Beast in view of the story about Scarface. He was not rich and he was dressed poorly and he had a monstrous scar across his face. He longed for a wife and he had his eye on the utmost beautiful girl of all the Blackfoot people. Various men wanted her. They were all genuinely handsome and rich young men, and they all danced for her hoping she would pick them. He went up to her and only let her recognize the side of his face without the scar and she spoke, “ I have seen the scar on your face. So you don’t have to look away from me. I see beyond the scar, and I know you to be good and handsome”. I picked this story in view of beauty overlooking the beast’s features, and loving him for who he is. That’s what this beautiful

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