
Scenarios Of Brexit

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Possible Scenarios
In the article by Dhingra et al.(2016), authors gave two possible scenarios on Brexit issue: optimistic and pessimistic. In the optimistic scenario, Great Britain will purchase their budget for country needs and can obtain full success to the EU single market. In the pessimistic scenario, they assumed that UK may not be successful in negotiating with new countries. Along with this, they predicted Great Britain after Brexit will become an independent player and will use their freedom to negotiate with other world powers as China and United States without restriction. According to the Krotz (2017), Brexit will bring three possible scenarios: German hegemon, decline of European integration process and “back to the future” …show more content…

Along with this, France has other concerns. This country has invested significant economic investments in Britain, and more than 160,000 French citizens now live on British territory. About 400 thousand British citizens live in France and may face the fact that they will lose their rights in the EU. Politically, France will not have a choice, and together with Germany and the other founding members of the EU, it will have to take the lead in the future functioning of the European Union after Brexit. The leader of the French "National Front", Marin Le Pen, said at the meeting of the right-wing politicians in Germany that patriotism is the policy of the future. Le Pen is convinced that the decision of the British to leave the European Union last year will provoke a domino effect throughout the European Union. She also criticized the migration policy of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as a result of which millions of refugees found themselves in Europe. The leader of the French National Front, Marin Le Pen, admitted that she is ready to vote for secession from the European Union, because France has "a thousand times more reasons to leave the European community than the

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