
School Environment Analysis 1

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School Environment Analysis Brandon Nichols Grand Canyon University Environmental and contextual factor play huge dividends in the success of a school and the surrounding community. Knowing what you need and how to get it as well as having a solid back up plan in order to find solutions to the needs of the school is vital. In a lower middle class area the lack of resources and involvement hinders the mental growth of our children. I am new to Desert Foothills middle school in Phoenix, Arizona but by collaboration with veteran staff and administration I have been able analyze what the needs of the school are, both contextual and environmentally. We have a very diverse staff and school population in an area which is …show more content…

The lack of resources is becoming a major issue in our community as the area continu4es to deteriorate. “Teacher researchers noted that students were more likely to engage in classroom activities when technology was used, however, 47% of teachers responded by asserting their students used technology for less than 80 minutes per day” (Godzicki,144). The lack of home internet, computers, transportation to libraries and other educational centers is challenging. We as educators must be observant that not all students have access to the same tools we have at home, or as some students have currently. We must plan accordingly in order to be fair to all students. An example of this would be if a teacher requires a student to complete a five page research paper. As professionals, we cannot assume that a student will complete this typed essay from home, most children will not tell you this is not possible due to the lack in technology for fear they will be made fun of or put on the spot. Allowing for adequate computer lab time or computer carts is the only way we as a staff can assign such long projects and require the use of expensive technologies that most, do not have at home. Based on Godzicki study “In order to increase student motivation and engagement, teacher researchers implemented a technology-supported learning environment” (Godzicki, 130). The importance of getting our students up to date with today’s technology and a fair amount of time having

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