
Analysis: Are Our School Lunches Healthy Enough

Decent Essays

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Intro Name: ivana garcia

The title of this article is PRO/CON: Are our school lunches healthy enough. The author of this article is McClatchy-Tribune. The genre of this article is a article. One of the reasons that they should change the way they serve our lunch is because in (3) it says, “1 in 3 American children were overweight or obese. Overweight children are at higher risk of developing a variety of diseases, including heart disease and diabetes.” Also in (5) it says, “The Institute of Medicine has pushed for healthier school meals”. Another reason is(8) “it turned out many high …show more content…

It recommends meals containing fewer calories, less fat and salt, and more fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Most parents would agree these are excellent goals” paragraph (3). This shows that parents agree to the program and think it will help their kids get healthy. This also shows that parents should watch what their kids are eating and make them eat healthy like fruit and vegetables.

Counterargument Name:Natalie Serrano However some children are not enjoying what they're eating.In paragraph (30) they said “sudents are disgusted by the food provided to them. students in one district held a three-week boycott, refusing to eat school lunches. posting their anger over the program”.This shows that many students do not like the idea of changing their food.This also shows that many do not like the program.Although putting a fit of not liking the food some kids get,because many are not healthy enough some kids and adults are getting diseases that could kill them. This is more important for the program to

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