
Science Reflection

Decent Essays

St Marys holds an Inspire Science Program advocating the learning of science for primary children (year 6 ). It was a day spent in a local primary school teaching them about DNA and Forensic science.

The Inspire Science program involved having weekly basis school meetings in the science labs. I attended each week working on preparing for science-related activities such as making DNA, chromosomes from strawberries and creating a DNA model. The class was split into groups of 8 each group assigned to a classroom for the day. Furthermore splitting into pairs to work with a group of 6 children. I lead my group teaching them interesting facts about science and how science is involved in everyday life. I monitored my group as we worked on a forensic worksheet, DNA booklet and DNA/ dry ice experiments. This activity increased my confidence in teaching others and being able to involve myself in a community activity.

I participate in school clubs such as Amnesty and Girl's Club, which are social justice clubs in my school. ‘Girl’s Club’ a primarily female based club which focuses on the social issues relating to women and discussing gender inequality. As annual activities, we participate in school Ribbon days and International Women’s Day. Amnesty group holds weekly discussions on the controversial topic such as Black Lives Matter and LGBTQIA awareness

I took the initiative in helping and organising events for Girl's Club such as pink ribbon day, International Women's day and white

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