As technology becomes more and more integrated with our everyday lives, many people are beginning to notice addictive behavior towards the internet, computers, cellphones, and gaming consoles. In the article, “Screen-based behavior in school-aged children with long-term illness” Daniela Husarova, Andrea Madarasova Geckova, Lukas Blinka, Anna Sevcikova, Jitse P van Dijk, and Sijmen A. Reijneveld, discuss a research study to determine the relationship between excessive screen based behavior and the presence of chronic conditions in children. Husarova et al. identify the overuse of technology as an issue among school aged children. They design a study to analyze how students with long term illness, asthma, and learning disabilities were affected …show more content…
define screen based activities as “watching TV, playing computer games, and working with a computer”. Each participant was asked three questions: “How many hours a day do you spend watching television… on a screen?”, “How many hours a day, in your free time, do you spend playing computer games…?”, and “How many hours a day do you spend using electronic devices such as computers, tablets (like Ipad), or smartphones…?”. With these questions, the researchers divided the children into two sections. One category contained children who spent less than 2 hours a day on technology and the other contained kids who spent more than that every day. The latter is considered to spend excessive time on the internet and technology in general. It was found that more than half of the children tested spend more than the recommended amount of time using technology. The questionnaire furthermore asked each participant to rate (on a scale of very often, often, rarely, never) how often they experienced the following: “inability to eat or sleep because of the internet”, uncomfortableness due to being unable to access the internet, surfing the internet even if they are not having fun, picking the internet over family, friends school, or other hobbies. If they answered very often or often to any of the questions, they were considered to be affected by the overuse of …show more content…
They concluded that, while children with asthma and learning disabilities were more likely to overuse the internet, and other technologies, for the most part there was no difference between the severity of the symptoms experienced by children with conditions and their non-condition having peers. In other words, children experienced the same symptoms, at the same degree, weather they had a condition or
Many students are experiencing symptoms of ADHD resulting in behavioral and academic difficulties. With the rise of these undesirable problems, teachers and parents need to know the cause of these issues. Is speed of information provided by various types of technology forcing students are to function at their speed leading to these unwanted behaviors?
The Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks. Today, it is a public, cooperative and self-sustaining facility accessible to millions of people. This global access to a new world has its shortcomings. One of many that might be considered the most important is addiction; I can easily confess that I see myself as a cell phone addicted person. After reading the article “Half of Teens Think They” by Kelly Wallace, I came to a conclusion that I am not the only one who faces this impasse. However, the article also says that it is difficult to say how many teens are truly addicted to their devices and the Internet. Also it is found a problem, because parents feel their teens spend too much time on their mobile devices. Trying to solve this difficulty, some parents came up with solutions.
My cousin's wife Irina Olaru has a positive attitude about the internet use of their children, a girl of four years, and a boy of two and half years. Irina graduated Bethel University, in Minnesota, four years ago. She said to me that their children use a laptop and cellphones every day. Asking her how much time daily their children spend in front of a laptop or cell phone, she said more than two hours every day, which confirms above statistical data. Asking her what attitude they have, as parents about the computer use of their children at such young age, she explained that the internet gives many opportunities of learning and developing for their children. They do not want to ban computer use because they need a time when their children
Moreover, childhood obesity and diabetes are on the rise (Rowan). ADHD, autism, anxiety, and depression are also associated with the overuse of technology. This could be in-part because technology puts limitations on the amount of time children spend outside. It is proven that spending time in nature is calming, attention restorative, and promotes learning (Rowan). Furthermore, technology creates a feeling of sensory overload for children, keeping them in a constant state of stress (Rowan).
Technology has been part of our daily live more frequently than before. Screen time has been more popularly used on kids and adolescents. On a daily bases many kids seem to spend more time inside on their tablets, instead of having to spend time with other kids. This is a problem that is becoming more popular over the years,on whether kids need to spend that much time on technology or not. Parents either seem to have strict technology usage, or they either don’t. There has always been a huge controversy with experts, who either think that screen time is beneficial or could cause problems later on in life. There are many views towards this topic, from hurting kids brains, to helping them during school, and socially.
This is necessary to help reduce the harmful effects of excessive screen time. Excessive screen time in preschool age children and above has led to an increase in a sedentary lifestyle resulting in increased obesity, poor behavior, and interrupted sleeping patterns. The ever expanding wealth of technology, although helpful in many situations such as health care, communication and business has led to increased health concerns for young children. One of the main concerns that technology has caused in children is the increase in a sedentary lifestyle.
Nancy Shute from U.S. News and World Report states in her article ‘3 Ways Electronic Media Harm Kids’ Health and 3 Ways They Can Help’ “A dozen studies have correlated TV in the early years with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) later in childhood.” Kids today spend more hours on electronic devices such as computers, phones, and TV than sleeping. Having young children watch certain TV shows posed as a positive effect for the brain. However, with recent studies from China, it shows that no matter the affect having a lot of electronic experience is bad for the body. In “Screen Addiction Is Taking a Toll on Children”, Jane E. Brody argues that, although Internet addiction isn’t considered a clinical diagnoses here, more American youths are plugged out of “live” action for many hours of the day.
The device itself it not the problem, but rather what is done on the device and the desire to use it for the purposes of fulfilling an overwhelming need to entertain oneself. A young person may feel like they must play that game on that device or they will go crazy with boredom. Or, it could be that they are close to breaking a high record, and surely the next round will bring them the sweet taste of accomplishment. However, this desire can easily be more than just wanting to play or use a device for fun, and the underlying reason is that the person is an addict to technology. Countries such as China and Japan recognize and have treatment available for young screen addicts, and though the United States hasn't officially labeled screen addiction as a legitimate problem, it is currently being examined as a possible diagnosis (Freed). This fact alone is evidence that screen addiction should be taken seriously. Furthermore, research reveals that activities such as video gaming produces similar effects on the brain like that of substance addiction (Freed). Though this holds true for gaming alone, it shows the urgency to take action on preventing screen addiction in young children. Fortunately, there is a way to prevent and cure dependence on screens and the negative effects that come with
Most children today have access to devices such as television, smartphones, computers, and tablets. These devices can be used in a variety of ways, with both positive and negative outcomes. For example, preschool aged children may use a device to learn letters, numbers, or colors. School aged children may use a computer to conduct research, or watch an educational show. A child may also sit in front of the television for many hours, reducing physical activity, and become obese. I believe it is important for the parent or caregiver of the child to monitor the amount of screen time, as well as the content to optimize the benefits these devices can offer.
It is widely believed by many that the ever-increasing proliferation of technology within entertainment has had detrimental effects on those children exposed to them, with many youngsters forgoing the more traditional pursuits in favour of digital interaction with online acquaintances or artificial intelligence. Entertainment now contains a wide variety of technologies including television (standard or interactive), music, computers, games consoles, toys and the internet, to name but a few. The aim of this study is to identify whether these technologies have an impact on the behaviour of children in either a negative or positive aspect.
Despite consistent advancements in technology, the dangerous appetite for high-tech devices is insatiable in young adults and children. Young adults and adolescences desire more connectivity than any other age group. In fact, now it is common for people to have both a smartphone, computer, and many other media devices. Even if someone does not own a particular device, access to one is increasingly getting easier. Unfortunately, the increasing consumption and access to technology have negative consequences and are highly debatable. One debatable result of technology is screen addition. When it comes to the topic of screen addiction, most readily agree that any type of addiction is dangerous. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on
Technology and these devices are addictive. To tell parents and children that they should not limit themselves or their children on the amount of time they spend looking at screens is foolish, and sometimes it dooms
According to Kimmerly (2009), over 90% of children aged 3-18 in the US used computers, and with children aged, more children started to use computer-related activities. However, the long time of uses of these electronic tools may lead to physical health problems to children. For example visual strain, lack life
The second reason why modern technology contributes to negative health problems is that children independently use technology, which impact on their social development and relationship. As the age of the kids, the majority of them still cannot control or understand how to limit themselves from their wants. Some children spend so much time playing computer and video games all alone that they are losing their ability to socialize with others, families and friends. Children can averagely spend six hours each day watching television or
computer can be used in a beneficial way, it has its disadvantageous as well. So,