
Seasonal Allergies

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If you’re a person who has to endure all the frustrating side effects of seasonal allergies, you know too well that it can get annoying. Sometimes people avoid going outdoors in fear of being affected by the budding trees, grasses, and pollen – yes, it can get really miserable.
Seasonal allergies can be congenital or genetic, but more often or not they develop because of your health and the environment. Again, there are no real cures for allergies such as hay fever, but like with most health conditions, having a healthier immune system can dramatically reduce the symptoms, so you’ll actually be able to enjoy the coming of spring instead of dreading it. This is why Moringa can be one of your best allies and protectors during the allergy season. …show more content…

Our immune systems are amazing things. They create proteins to fight disease, which are known as antibodies. These antibodies try to battle it out against the antigens. Once our immune system creates certain antibodies, they’ll recognize the same intruders again and protect our bodies automatically year in year out.
However, this isn’t the case when we continue to come into contact with the same allergens every year. The body goes into overdrive, working to create histamines to fight off what it thinks to be dangerous antigens.
Have you ever wondered what’s to blame for your runny nose?
It’s the mucus, which the histamines produce…the same goes for the itchy sore throat, the red watery eyes, and the deep chesty coughs…this whole process has its own name – it’s the allergic inflammatory response.
More often than not, these seasonal allergies are inevitable. If one of your parents suffers from such allergies, you’re 33% more likely to suffer from them as well. And the odds go up if both your parents have problems with allergies - you’ll have a 70% change of suffering from the same

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