Before I discuss what is causing the allergies I have some interesting facts for you.
The prefix "hypo" means "less than" and thus the word hypoallergenic tells the kitten/cat buyer that the breeder believes the cat to to produce fewer allergens than other cats. How is this measured or regulated - well it isn't. There are no legal regulations defining allergens (let alone allergens in cats), nor are there any guidelines. So the world "hypoallergenic" has very little meaning.
Around 2-15% of the worlds population is allergic to cats and 1/3 of these have a cat in their home.
Up to 40% of Asthma sufferers are sensitive to cats.
A large proportion of cats surrendered to shelters are from allergic pet owners.
Up to 25% of Rex cats that are
Omega Paw has segmented its market into three divisions. 5% of the cat owners are new or first time owners while 80% of the owners are experienced. The rest of the 15% are segmented in the “gray zone” where owners keep their pets outdoors and therefore only spend on food. Omega Paw should focus its marketing in the first two segments as those owners are likely to research and browse information about the best available products for their feline friends. The 80% segment could be divided more in to smaller segments with pet owners who prefer to use basic traditional equipment versus owners who are willing to try new products to see if it matches their needs.
It wasn't long ago that the options to choose from were simplified, making your job easier as a mother when choosing what to feed your child. Now? Well, now it's easy to get lost in the midst of all the terminology listed on formula containers. One word that has recently made a big appearance in the formula section of the baby aisle is "hypoallergenic." What does this mean though, and who are these hypoallergenic formulas aimed toward?
B.J.was exposed to cats, thus causing an acute asthma attack. Patient being exposed to cat fur is what caused his allergic reaction. IgE antibodies cause allergic reactions, these cells are mainly attached to mast cells that lie in the lung interstitium in close association with the bronchioles and small bronchi. Once BJ breathes in the fur, to which he is sensitive to, the pollen reacts with these mast cells and thus causing these cells to release histamine. Which causes localized edema in the bronchioles as well as thick mucus. This causes the spams in the bronchilar smooth muscle which cause airway resistance. In return causing an acute asthma attack.
Are savannah cats or serval cats hypoallergenic? Short answer is NO savannah cats and serval cats are not hypoallergenic. For people who suffer from cat allergies, and those who do not suffer from allergies I have to break it to you that ALL cats regardless of breed this includes Bengal cats and savannah cats whether long hair, short hair or no hair can cause allergies. Any vet of any state can confirm this known fact. Contrary to popular belief, allergic reactions from cats are not the result of cat hair length.
cat-proof a room? The whole task may be a good deal simpler than you think.
Your heart, the most important muscle organ in your body. Its job to keep blood flowing throughout your body, by doing so it keeps you alive. Heart health is a concern for everybody; there are many different types of heart disorders and diseases that can occur. The heart disorder that I will be informing you about is Cardiomegaly also known at Heart muscle disease. Cardiomegaly a chronic heart condition that expands the heart by expanding the hearts tissue, making it hard for the heart to squeeze and pump blood throughout the body effectively, causing insufficient blood flow, abdominal heart rhythm and heart rate. Cardiomegaly could ultimately lead to heart failure if not treated correctly or diagnosed as soon as possible. With 3 million cardiomegaly cases
There are tons of things that trigger my allergies. I am highly allergic to all cats, and being around them just about kills me. I stayed at my cousins
It is a well known fact that the human body fights disease by creating antibodies designed specifically to rid itself of that disease. The same concept works with allergies. The hygiene hypothesis suggests that children who are raised in houses that are too sterile are more likely to be susceptible to common allergies, such as pet dander (Children, pets, and allergies). Dr. Erika Von Mutius developed this hypothesis by studying children in East and West Germany. She was surprised to find that the underprivileged children in East Germany who were raised in less than desirable conditions and, therefore, exposed to more
HYDROX was started in 1908 and was the precurser to OREO which started in 1912. HYDROX was known to have a less sweet center with a more of tangy taste then the OREO. The outside cookie is also crunchier that makes it less soggy in milk.
Inflammatory bowel disease is a disease that can afflict both dogs and cats. However, because of the linkage between inflammatory bowel disease and hairballs in cats, the focus will be on feline inflammatory bowel disease, especially considering the previously accepted belief that hairballs are normal for cats. While there are multiple modes of managing this disease, the nutritional management will be the main point of discussion. Inflammatory bowel disease is actually not an uncommon disease. In Dr. Norsworthy’s 2014 study, out of 100 cats, only 1 cat had a normal biopsy, indicating that there was no form of inflammatory bowel disease or other affliction (Jean Dodds. Hairballs: Chronic Conditions and Prevention). Because of its prevalence,
Dyspnea means difficulty in catching your breath or having shortness of breath. It is a common symptom and often occurs in exercising, but it’s likely to be experienced differently by different people because of the cause. Through some peoples experienced, some of their causes are more serious than others.
Like dogs, there are certain breeds of cat, like the Sphinx, and those with very short or sparse hair, like the Cornish or Devon Rex, that may aggravate allergy sufferers less, and make good pets for allergies.
In an article called selective breeding and artificial selection it sounds like a Frankenstein movie. It states to create a how to create a hyper allogenic cat you will need to start with a short haired cat that has been allergy tested with cats that cause the least allergic symptoms.
A huge reason to undergo allergy testing is that it can help you definitively identify the cause of your allergies. The last thing that you will want to do when you are dealing with your allergies is to start making major lifestyle changes based on what you think might be causing your allergies. This could result in you getting rid of your pets, cutting items out of your diet, and a number of other drastic steps that may not even be all that effective because you aren't actually
Our pets love us and we love them too, over half of all homes in our country have a cat or dog, it quickly becomes a part of a family but many allergic animal lovers find themselves facing the discomfort of allergy symptoms. “It is only pet hair, especially cat hair, that causes allergies to flare up” One of the misconception on pet allergies, cat and dog is the most popular when it comes to pet allergies, but cat allergy is more common than dog allergy and more severe. Of course, this is not true, you may have heard that some pet specially dog breeds trigger allergy reactions or symptoms while other’s don’t or that short haired