
Secondary Data Analysis Paper

Decent Essays

For the general method of my data, I will be performing secondary data, using longitudinal design and quantitative data. For the secondary data analysis, I will be using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979. They have collected data from families who have children between 1980’s until 2012. The assessment of the Survey is called HOME (Home Observation Measurement of the Environment) which is the primary measure of the quality of a child’s home environment that is included in the NLSY79 child survey (“The HOME”). It has been used as an input to help explain other child characteristics or behaviors as “an outcome in its own right for researchers whose objective is to explain associations between the quality of a child’s home environment …show more content…

“The HOME-SF is about half as long as the original HOME Inventory, an adaption necessitated by survey time and cost constraints.” As a matter of fact, more than half of the HOME-SF’s items are multi-response maternal reports that were reworded, with the help of assistance with the instrument’s designers from the original HOME Inventory’s (“The HOME”). The HOME data has been used by the previous HOME data set but with modifications and additions to the study which is where they collected their data. The study of the HOME took place in the U.S but it did not mention specifically the location of where in the …show more content…

The variables that I found in the HOME codebook are: ID Code of the child, ID Code of mother of child, race of child (including mother’s racial/ethnic background), sex of child, date of birth of the child (year), and spanking (Mother hitting her child as a form of discipline). The other variables that were added to the education section are schooling enrollment status in cooperative education, the principal grading policy on student effort, class participation, and class attendance. So far I have included eleven variables as part of my measures and these are the main variables that are included in the codebook to determine the child’s family background, how often was the child being spanked and the child’s education records. According to the data, by reviewing the variable of spanking, it gave out statistics and graphs on spanking in children in 1994. The codebook on spanking gave a questionnaire link on the area of “Mother Supplement 1994” (Mother Supplement). In the section of the questionnaire there was a question to parents especially to mothers that said “Sometimes kids mind pretty well and sometimes they don’t. About how many times, if any, have you had to spank your child in the past week?” and then the questionnaire would ask the number of times a parent has spanked their child or if they did not spank their

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