
Securus Technologies Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Securus Technologies is one of the top providers of criminal and civil justice technology solutions that allow people to communicate with their loved ones who are incarcerated. This company will release articles and reports that highlight the integrity breaches of Global Tel Link, which is another inmate communications provider. The Louisiana Public Service Commission conducted a lengthy investigation on Global Tel Link. The LPSC had found that Global Tel Link added time to the calls in order to charge customers more. They also found that billed people multiple times for one call. Richard A. Smith, who is Securus Technologies's CEO, stated that the entire industry is affected when a company drops the ball. Many companies are only focused on making money. However, Securus Technologies is focused on making sure that every customer's needs are met. …show more content…

The company has over 1,000 employees and serves over 2,600 correctional facilities. Securus Technologies is accredited by the Better Business Bureau. In order to be accredited by the Better Business Bureau, a company must embody integrity, safeguard privacy and honor promises. Securus Technologies has an A+ rating for the Better Business

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