
Self-Concept in Childhood and Adolescence and Peers Harrassment

Decent Essays

This video shows how as children develop an appreciation on their inner mental world, they think more about themselves. They mention concrete characteristics like, names, physical appearance, possetions and typical feelings and behaviors are emphasized in their self-descriptions when they are 5 to 7 years old. In the video a little girl said, “ I like to sing, ride my bike, go to swim in a swimming pool, my teacher’s name is Miss. Fargo, she is pretty nice to me, my favorite subject in school is math”. With age young people organized their concrete description into personality traces. Another example of a teenager who said, “I’m Lisa, I’m fifteen, I’m a freshmen, I have a brother, his name is Sean, and I have more sibling. I’m an athlete, …show more content…

Sixteen years old Kayla said, the whole idea of bulling is something she knows about first hand because it’s been happening to her for ten years. Interesting enough, the first few times she had no idea what was going on. At the beginning of this video, Kayla talks about her long and horrible experience. “I really didn’t understand why people were teasing me, it didn’t make much sense to me; not like I am not so different from anybody, what’s the big deal? It took me a while to realize I had friends and they were talking to me about it. People made fun about my size, also the fact that my family was not well enough, we didn’t have too much growing up”
The more Kayla tried to fit in, the more they made fun of her, saying that she was trying to be something she is not. After speaking to guidance counselors and her parents, she decided to just learn the whole ignore thing and pushed it aside. A couple of her friends were bigger, so they had their little social circle. “The only reason we stayed together is because anywhere else we were picked on”.
The bullying got worse when she started investigating her interest in other girls her age instead of boys. During Kayla’s eight-grad year, an opened lesbian girl moved to her town. She always had miss feelings about it and was really confused. When the girl came to town it was like she is going to meet someone who must be going through similar situation and who can understand Kayla. They ended up

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