Self-disclosure within a romantic relationship signifies a strong bond between the individuals involved. However, allowing your romantic partner into your innermost thoughts can have both positively and negatively affect the relationship. Many times when a relationship begins both parties focus on the similarities they have in common and while one person may not enjoy the activity they will still attempt to have a good time. For example, when my wife and I started dating I took her to play paintball, while she participated she did not have the same feelings for the game as I did.
As our fondness of each other grew we began disclosing more of our inner thoughts, which grew our relationship from like a love. While we were similar in some physical actives, discussing our goals and aspirations along with our failures and fears we began to realize that we both had very similar end goals. During 10 years of marriage we have sat down and discussed other self-disclosures and revisions to our plans in order to stay on the same page.
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When discussing sensitive aspects in a relationship one must use tact. Just to clarify, tact is sensitively discussing or dealing with difficult issues. When immersed in this sharing situation, one must realize that both parties are vulnerable to having their feelings hurt, especially if the item being discussed is a dislike or include negative thoughts about the actions of the other person. Many times men (including myself) are unaware, blurting out exactly what they want to say without taking into account the feelings of their partner. This could lead to the other person being upset and ultimately end an otherwise perfect
Although communication can be challenging, understanding what communication is, how each of you communicate, the power of verbal and nonverbal expressions, the ability to listen, control emotions and understanding misconceptions, there are ways to make improvements for a healthier relationship.
With identifying the barriers to effective interactions as well as your self-concept, this will assist the communication flow. With learning how self-concept developed and how to maintain it, you will be a better communicator. Self-concept can be defined as one description our portrayal of him or herself as a person (Bevan, & Sole, 2014). With learning how your self-concept was developed and how it changes over time both you and Jennifer need to understand each other’s self-concept this will help to understand each other. Also, to understanding your partner’s feelings and self-concept, this helps with communicating with each other. When you first exchange vows that was your first form of shared communication with five words “until death do us part” those five words tied you and Jennifer to gather for life.
Have you ever just looked and seen the love of your life? You stop and realize that this is the one for me. That the journey is over, I can stop looking. And then you stop and realize…Is this the one? Well I have only one question to ask you, how are the communication skills the you relay to each other, and are we good listeners?
In the movie 10 Things I Hate About You film is a romantic drama film that was released in 1999. This film proves that there are good guys out in the world for many good girls. This move is taken place in a nice town and begins at a high school with a group of students that are in their last year of high school. In this film it shows how your normal high school students go through certain situations. Also, this film shows how many young people going through peer pressure, rejection, and romantic moments.
All settings should have a designated person to deal with child protection issues. If you have concerns that a child is being abused it is our job to disclose this information to the designated/manager of the setting unless you think by disclosing the information will put the child/young person in further danger.
Marriage is an adjustment between two people getting married Communication can cause a relationship to succeed or fail. If you do not share how you feel, it can cause your partner to withdraw. Listening can save a relationship. Schonberg (2011) found that “affective affirmation –basically, behavior that makes your partner feel loved cared for or special plays a role in a happy marriage and those men need it more than women. There are several factors and problems that can cause marriage to either succeed or fail. It is important to discuss problem things left unsaid can cause your partner to with draw.
This paper is being submitted to Steven Mendoza, Ph.D., MSCP in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Law and Ethics, PSY627, on January 24, 2015.
Trust is an essential factor in the helping process. Without it, clients will not feel free to share their most intimate thoughts and feelings. They will not be completely honest or forthcoming in conversations which will hinder the professional’s ability to truly help the client. For this reason, the promise of confidentiality becomes critical to the process. It is the “secret keeping duty” all helping professionals have an ethical obligation to observe (Younggren & Harris, p.589). It protects the client’s right to privacy and fosters an atmosphere in which one feels safe, facilitating trust and allowing one to feel comfortable enough to share their inner most feelings and thoughts. Most helping professionals agree that
After weeks of dating, the relationship moved into the intensifying stage, we were learning more about each other, discussing personal topics that you don’t share with just anyone (hidden stage of Johari window). During the intensifying stage of our relationship, varying degrees of self-disclosure are shared to see what will be reciprocated and testing the impressions someone is making. The hidden region covers the aspects that you know about yourself but others do not, you purposely try to hide certain qualities about yourself. John had a very large hidden region that he covered very well because I didn’t realize how much it would affect out relationship.
Self-disclosure is an important part of any close relationship. Without sharing our own fears and weaknesses, we can
Self-disclosure is the voluntary sharing of personal history, preferences, attitudes, feelings, values, secrets, etc. with another person (Griffin, p. 97). As stated in the introduction Altman and Taylor look at relationships as an “onions.” The different layers are representative of different feelings of a person. When
The realizations I have on self disclosure is that, it is one way of letting my self go. Letting another human being know my inner most feelings and my fears. I am a very private person and I tend to not say much about myself unless I know the person very well. I tend to not to like people who disclose a lot of information to me mainly if we do not have a very close relationship, because to me that means I also have to let them in on some of my inner most feelings. I feel like even if they are a lot of advantages to self-
I don’t know if you remember, but when we were friends, we used to run around play fighting in the school hallways. It sounds strange, but I appreciated that. You were the only person who didn’t treat me like I was too fragile; weak, or at least that’s how I interpreted it.
Communication is the number one key to a good relationship. When there is no communication between both parties involved in the relationship, that is when the relationship fails whether it is a man and a woman, or a child trying to divorce his/her parents or friends cutting their ties forever.
Communication is one of the most important aspects in romantic relationships and different communication styles can affect relationships differently. Relationships can be both positively and negatively affected depending on the level of communication between the partners.