
Self Monitoring Of Blood Glucose

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4. Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) NICE NG28 Type 2 Diabetes in Adult: Management7 recommends that we refer to the DVLA “At a glance guide to the current medical standards of fitness to drive” when offering SMBG to those with T2DM We should be routinely offering SMBG to those with T2DM if: • The person is on insulin• There is evidence of hypoglycaemic episodes• The person is on an oral drug that increases the risk of hypoglycaemia whilst driving or operating heavy machinery (e.g. sulphonylureas)• The person is pregnant, or planning to become pregnant• It is part of a structured education programme to help patients understand their diabetes or identify asymptomatic hypoglycaemia We can also consider short-term SMBG if starting …show more content…

NICE NG3 Diabetes in Pregnancy11 recommend we follow-up those with GDM as follows: • Offer lifestyle advice and check a FBG at 6-13 weeks after birth in those women with GDM. Do not routinely offer an oral glucose tolerance testo Pragmatically, this could comprise part of the routine 6-week post-partum check • If the FBG is ≥7mmol/l, a diagnosis of T2DM can be established• Importantly, If the FBG is negative, the woman requires an annual HbA1C test in line with NICE Public Health Guidance 38 “Prevention of T2DM – risk identification and interventions for individuals at high risk”4 (see above)References 1. Diabetes UK State of the Nation 2016 (England): Time to take control of diabetes. Available at: Lindstrom J, Peltonen M, Eriksson JG et al. Improved lifestyle and decreased diabetes risk over 13 years: long-term follow-up of the randomised Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS). Diabetologia 2013; 56(2):284-933. NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP). Available at:

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