
Sen Code Of Practice Essay

Decent Essays

 The group will have regard to SEN Code of Practice for Wales (2002)( and the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) and equality act 2010 on the Identification, Assessment and Education of Children with Special Educational Needs. This is a statutory requirement
 Staff, helpers, parents/carers and visitors who have additional needs will be welcomed and supported by our groups, in keeping with the Equal Opportunities Policy, with the needs of the children being of paramount importance at all times.
 Children with additional needs, like all other children, may be admitted after full consultation between parents/carers, group staff, referral scheme co-ordinators and any other relevant agency workers involved. …show more content…

in order to meet the specific needs of each child.
 Group staff, whenever possible, will attend appropriate additional needs training provided by Wales PPA and other agencies.
 All the group’s health and safety procedures will be reviewed with the admission of the child with additional needs.
 Parents will be informed of the safety procedures and insurance position.
 Staff will be encouraged to refer to The Child Minding and Day Care (Wales) Regulations 2002; CSSIW National Minimum Standard 4; SEN Code of Practice for Wales 2002 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Part 3); Wales PPA Playgroup Guidelines for Good Practice 2004 our insurance policy and guidance on The role of the SENCO (see below). Other considerations will include referring for Early Years Action/Early Years Action Plus

CAF- The Government has said that all agencies that work with families have a responsibility to work closely together with you to make sure every child and young person has the best possible chance to reach their full potential.
A Common Assessment is a way of gathering information about children and families and having this information in one place. This information will be used to decide what kind of support is needed to help a family. If you give your consent, people from different agencies will talk to each other and share information and work together with you to help support you and your child.

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