
Sepsis In Critically Patient

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Sepsis in the Older Patient
Sepsis is a common condition in critically ill patients. Cases of sepsis rose by an average of 9% per year (Nasa P, 2012) and the number elderly patients being admitted to ICU’s has increased recently. One of the reasons for this trend is that people are living longer. The world’s population of people over the age of sixty has been increasing steadily. It has been projected that over the next twenty years the number of people over the age of eighty will be double and that by the year 2050 the population of elderly people will be greater than that of young people for the first time in history (World Population Ageing 1950-2050, 2001). In the elderly person, sepsis is a major cause hospitalization and ultimately death. The risk factors, susceptibility, and management are determinates in the outcome for the elderly patient. …show more content…

Sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock are especially critical in the elderly patient. Even with all of the developments in treatment and management of patients with sepsis, it is still the second leading cause of death in patients in regular ICU’s (not including coronary ICU’s). The occurrence of sepsis and severe sepsis increases with age. In the hospital, the elderly make up two thirds of patients admitted with sepsis. The rates of deaths from severe sepsis are directly associated with older age, the highest number of deaths was in the patient over eighty years of

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