
Serendipity : The Theme Of Love In The Little Prince

Satisfactory Essays

Serendipity is a song that explores the theme of love through a visual presentation that demonstrates the meaning behind the emotional lyrics that was written by the artist to draw attention to the issue of loving yourself. The song is sang by Park Jimin and composed by Kim Namjoon, whom are both members from a South Korean boy band called BTS. Serendipity is an occurrence and development of events that happens by luck that can be for a happy or beneficial way. The purpose of the song is to empathise the importance of loving and accepting yourself for who you are, rather than self hatred. Throughout the song, language techniques such as metaphors,personification, hyperbole, repetition and idioms were used to within the lyrics to help …show more content…

Therefore, in Serendipity, the composer uses The Little Prince references, to help appeal to the audience’s consciousness to always love yourself.

The composer of the song used language devices such as metaphors, to create emotional lyrics that would prevent self hatred. Flowers represent purity and innocence,“ I become your flower, As if we were waiting, We bloom until we ache”, the artist compares himself to a flower that is waiting to ‘bloom’ to find his happiness, but doing so may also be painful due to him constantly hesitating to accept himself which leads to him feeling internal conflict and confusion. Within the presentation, the character pricks his finger on the yellow cactus flower, it symbolises that they are beautiful but they endure all things, no matter how painful or difficult, thus represents Jimin, showing that he endures pain. Throughout the song, the artist repeatedly addressed his happiness as a second second of himself, and effectively revealed the protagonist’s desire of well-being. “ You’re my penicillium”, the songwriter used a fungi to describe his happiness, by showing that it is his cure to his life. “Saving me, my angel, my world”, symbolises that his conscious helped him find hope, as the feathers falling down in front of Jimin’s face represented angels. The scene when the protagonist looks at the moon manifests that the dark night sky represents his sadness, but the moon glowed within the sky which effectively contrasts

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