
Serial Killer Essay

Decent Essays

• Emotional abuse- when a parent or caregiver harms a child’s mental and social development, or causes severe emotional harm, it is considered emotional abuse ("What is Child Abuse")
• Sexual abuse- when an adult uses a child for sexual purposes or involves a child in sexual acts o a child who is older or more powerful uses another child for sexual gratification or excitement ("What is Child Abuse")
• Psychological abuse- when a parent or caregiver’s actions cause emotional conflict or are psychologically damaging (Guy)
Neglect- when a parent or caregiver does not give the care, supervision, affection and support needed for a child’s health, safety and well-being o physical neglect and inadequate supervision, medical, emotional and educational …show more content…

A serial killer is defined as someone who murders three or more people over a period that spans more than one month (Ramsland). In regards to the relationship between childhood abuse and serial killers many serial killers claim that they suffered from child abuse. Evidence has illustrated that those who experienced childhood trauma will most likely partake in criminal activity later in life. Some of America’s most notorious serial killers allegedly experienced childhood abuse such as, Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy, and Carroll Cole (Klein). Although not all child abuse victims grow up to become serial killers, they are at a heightened risk. Those who study serial killers have observed that a large percentage suffered childhood abuse; this suggests that abuse may contribute to murderous behaviors (Guy). The prevalence of childhood abuse associated with serial killers is far from a new topic and it has been suspected to be a contributing factor for several years. Therefore, research and observations suggest a history of abuse has the potential to contribute to a serial killer’s murderous behavior (Guy). Although, there are many who suffered from childhood abuse that do not exhibit criminal behavior, so what other possible factors can contribute to one becoming a serial

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