
Service Improvement

Best Essays

Clinical Decision Making Skills for the Integrated Worker

This assignment will define and analyse the need for a chosen service improvement within the pathway of mental health, as well as evaluating the suggested service. Demonstrating how this service can inform and benefit integrated practice, discussing the ways in which the agency’s statutory obligations and responsibilities impact on both individual and group decision making. The chosen service improvement for this assignment is the introduction of a mental health nurse into primary care services, for example, a GP Surgery. Focusing on service users with mental health issues in the community and therefore in the care of the local Primary Care Trust (PCT).
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This highlights the importance of the chosen service improvement, not only for individuals with mental health issues but for those at risk of developing mental illness and the NHS as a whole. These recommendations are present in No Health without Mental Health: A Guide for General Practice (DoH, 2012, online), The NHS Outcomes Framework 2012/13 (DoH, 2011, online), and numerous others.
It remains clear that professionals within the primary care sector are not receiving adequate training in mental health care. They do not have sufficient knowledge of mental health and many do not possess the general skills required day to day when working with mental health service users (DoH, 2012, pg5, online). This is supported by Good Medical Practice (2006),(General Medical Council, GMC) which sets out the principle guidance for GPs offers no mention of individuals with mental health issues, suggesting that this document is based solely on the general population and does not taking into account the differing needs of those with mental health issues. A programme that was introduced in Wales in 2011 provides Mental Health First Aid Training to a large group of service providers including primary care. It teaches them to provide initial help to someone experiencing mental health problems, deal with a crisis situation or the first signs of someone developing

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