
Sethe's Isolation In Beloved

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Why do mothers shelter their children? Perhaps it is because they don’t want their children to experience the same horrors that they experienced. Or, they think that the only way for a child to survive in the world is to be nurtured and protected.
That is certainly true for Sethe in the novel Beloved by Toni Morrison. In the novel, set in the middle of the 19th century, a woman named Sethe lives with her daughter Denver in a house in Cincinnati. Eighteen years before, Sethe escapes from slavery along with her children, but is hunted down by her master. Instead of subjecting them to the brutality of slavery, Sethe tries to kill her children, succeeding in killing her three-year-old daughter. Ever since, the family has been isolated from society …show more content…

Sethe’s motivations in keeping Denver close are not entirely noble, as she keeps Denver closer to her in order to make up for the death of Beloved. When the women of Cincinnati are gathered in the yard to exorcise Beloved, Sethe sees Mr. Bodwin approaching and thinks, “He is coming into [my] yard and he is coming for [my] best thing”(308). Sethe mistakes Mr. Bodwin for another white man, schoolteacher, who came into her yard and forced her to murder one of her children. The “he” she refers to represents all white men in this case. It also helps show Sethe’s confusion, and how she bundles two people with different ideologies and personalities into a single person, perhaps because of their similarities in appearance. Sethe worries that the white man, whoever he is, is coming for “her best thing”, which is Beloved. Just like schoolteacher tried to take away her children from her 18 years before, she doesn’t want anyone to take away Beloved. She tried to keep Denver and Beloved sheltered in order to make up for her actions when the white man came last time, and she can’t imagine going through that again. Earlier, Sethe speaks to Paul D about how happy she felt when she was free, before schoolteacher came to their house and ruined their lives. She says, “[t]hat’s a selfish pleasure I never had before. I couldn’t let all that go back to where it was”(192). In this instance, …show more content…

Denver first realizes that Beloved is planning something bad for her mother in the clearing when Beloved chokes her mother. Denver confronts her, saying “’You did it, I saw you….I saw your face. You made her choke’”(119). Up until this point, Denver has been utterly on Beloved’s side, but she now can see something is off about Beloved. Denver truly believes that Beloved “made her choke”, and realizes that she might have to watch Beloved in case Beloved tries to hurt her mother again. Similarly, when Beloved has Sethe under her spell at the end of the book, Denver realizes “that her mother could die and leave them both and what would Beloved do then…She would have to leave the yard; step off the edge of the world”(286). At this moment, Denver knows the full scope of Beloved’s abilities, and the repercussions that could occur. Her mother “could die” after all. Not only would that mean that Sethe was gone, but it would mean that Denver would have no protection from Beloved. Even though Sethe was overprotective, she still kept Denver safe. If she were to die, Denver would be all alone. So, Denver “step[s] off the edge of the world.” Not only is she leaving her house, the only place she’s ever known, but she is entering a new stage

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