
Seven Men From Now

Decent Essays

It’s hard to imagine that not too long ago 1940’ and 50’s western were considered high entertainment. I personally am not a fan of western movies due to the fact that most of them are elongated with senseless and overstretched scenes for the satisfaction of the audience having a two hour film. Such lengthened films can turn an award winning film into a long boring movie. “Seven Men From Now” directed by Budd Boetticher, is not one of those movies, as it shows enough to keep you interested and hooked throughout the movie, and has not been loaded with long scenes of eye staring, long horse rides, and 20 minute shooting scenes. I believe the plot of the story was very well thought out, as its true purpose is not given at the beginning of the …show more content…

Stride plays a deep steely portrait of a man, with a somber expression, and knows exactly what he is after. After this chilling opening scene, when he meets Annie and John Greer, I could immediately see the connection between him and Annie. Although their affection for each other grew slightly I think they could have added a bit more of an attraction towards each other. Even though she was married, I believe that would have made more tension between Ben and the rest of the men, as he would now face the challenge of keeping their love hidden. Latter in their journey when they encounter Bill Masters and his friend Clete, two former nemeses of Stride’s past that he locked up once. Bill Master being an ex-con agrees to help stride, for the possibility of picking up the stolen loot. But of course in a well done movie nothing is at it seems. One of the things that kept me looking for clues in the story was that throughout, I felt as if every character had a secret, and every scene was cleverly crafted with a sense of mystery. I definitely felt that the plot was extremely well thought out and acting was absolutely

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