
Seven Pillars Of Accountability Paper

Satisfactory Essays

At the present time, as the owner of a small consulting business, accountability plays a significant role in the organization’s culture. Moreover, it is the expectation of the organization that each consultant is accountable for their work performance’s outcome. Equally important, accountability starts with the leader of the organization. As the leader, the implementation of accountability is to require each consultant to be accountable for real outcomes. For this reason, the goal is to examine what is needed to achieved total accountability. In general, it is clear that each consulting project has its own unique tasks. Therefore, consultants are not held accountable against a group standard, but are accountable for each project’s unique outcome. For instance, it is vital that each consultant recognize that accountability is sustaining a flexible method during each project to exceed client’s satisfaction and expectations’. To put it another way, when it comes to measuring each consultant’s accountable, the emphasis is placed on each individual. That is to say, each consultant must be held accountable for their own performance. …show more content…

In fact, the SPA program has given the organization a competitive edge in the local market. For example, the organization’s accountability has increased clients’ satisfaction and enrollment. Under these circumstances, to hold consultants accountable, leadership ensures that consultants are equipped with the necessary training and skills for new projects. Without a doubt, there is a sense of achievement and enjoyment expressed by the consultants when they understand that their accountability influences the company’s

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