
Sex Exploitation With Poverty Stricken Young Girls

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Introduction Brazil has a long tradition of tolerating slavery that dates back to the 1800s which resulted that Brazil was the last country in the nation to abolish slavery. Brazil has long history with slavery from then until now, which they still battle with today with human trafficking which resulted in sex exploitation and forced labor. But, mainly this paper will focused topic of sex exploitation with poverty stricken young girls being subjected to selling themselves for dollars just to help put food on the table for their families. Even though prostitution is legal within the whole country if they are 18 years and older, but most of these prostitutes are not even the legal age. Sex Trafficking in Brazil has included not only fully grown women but also children as young as 10 years old. Also, Brazil has the worst sex tourism problem worldwide that has been existed for more than 25 years. There have been recent responses towards the United States and Brazilian governments to address this issue with full force after recent events. This problem persists only on the obligation that this country believes that other people not living by the norms of society, and visitors entering the country illegally and also being impoverished.

Tier 2 Brazil & TVPA Brazil Through the United States Department of State diplomatic tool of Trafficking in Persons report which is also known as the TIP report, explains how different countries are making efforts for anti-human trafficking

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