
Sexism: That's Good For A Girl

Decent Essays

“That’s Good for a Girl” In today’s day and age of culture, we find that there are still comments made against young girls and women that are of disrespect and condescending. Although the gender gap has been closing since women first started gaining rights back in the 20th century, there are still comments that are holding females back. Sexism is detrimental to young women’s perspectives because the backlash that they are hearing often prevent them from going on and improving aspects that may have been previously before male dominated. Growing up as a young girl, I have often had been in situations were comments had been made that may not have meant to be condescending but were. I can remember when I was 10 years old and competing at the …show more content…

Take Marissa Mayer for example, she is now the CEO of Yahoo! Inc. since 2012. Women hold less than 5% of CEO positions for the Fortune 500 and the Fortune 1000 companies. This means that out of 1000, 46 women are a CEO of one of the companies. Before she took over the company, it was currently decreasing in value but she had managed to double the stock prices. Mayer is a prime example of a female who is in the mix of a male dominated industry but is not letting that affect her work ethic or progress that she has been shown to be making. But, what if she was told that she shouldn’t be pursuing this job in the business line of work? There is a great possibility that the company of Yahoo! Inc. would still be underwater without her intelligence impact on the company and their franchises. Or what about Doctor Elizabeth Blackwell, who became the first woman in America to graduate with a Medical Degree. Before she went to school for medicine, she originally went to be a teacher, something that then was more suitable for a woman. However, she changed to medicine when a friend of hers was dying and claimed she would be in less pain if her doctor had been a woman. At that time women were not allowed in such schools, so her acceptance was allowed as a joke. Years later, she then graduated and moved to London …show more content…

But, just because there are laws against discrimination, does not mean that outside of school or the workplace things are much better. We have laws such as these to encourage young women to pursue their interests, but what good does that do when the people at home or other adults are leaning them towards the conclusion that they can not participate or study that because, “that's not what girls do.” It comes down to the people. We as people need to stop it starting with us, and then later our children. No law can prevent what may come out of someones mouth, therefore we as people have to be responsible and hold not just others, but ourselves accountable for what we say directed to the younger generation of

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