
Sexualization Of Women In Pop Music Essay

Decent Essays

Women in pop music are depicted a particular way when compared to their male counterparts. Throughout time women have been seen differently within the music industry, the first example from the reading is from the Lead Singer of Shop Assistants quote, "… We were watching a video of Debbie harry and there was a shot of her lying down with a close up of her face … it didn’t look pornographic, Debbie lying there singing, but his interpretation of it was" (Pg. 168 She Bop). Here the artist has been sexualized by their manager for self-motives that do not align with the goal of the band. Another example within this reading is Cass Elliot’s story, she struggled to be taken serious within her band. So, she went solo and through a strict diet lost over 100 pounds and at the age of 30 died of a heart attack. All of this because she didn’t have the "image" wanted by society. Overall Women in Pop, as seen within she Bop, are overly sexualized despite what the artist may want to be known for, their music. …show more content…

Specifically, Van Halen and Motely Crue. Within Rocking in time there was focus on how these band formed. For example, the text mentions that Van Halen was supported by Gene Simmons of kiss and how he financed their first demo album which would help lead to them signing with Warner Brothers. Another example is how Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue was inspired at a Kiss concert. While there he fell in awe with the theatrical side of the show and decided to purse creating his own band. Shortly after this Motley Cure debuted with Shout at the Devil which was widely successful and spent a decent amount of time in the MTV Top Twenty. Overall there was more of a focus on how these band started and what inspired them to take this journey and how they got there. (Pg. 291-292 Rockin in

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