
Sharing Of Knowledge Management Systems

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sharing of knowledge. This means that employees were motivated by rewards such as promotions or bonuses in order to share knowledge in an organisation (Minbaeva et al 2012).
At MindTree, Communities of practice are essential parts of the organisation and reflect the socio-technical approach to knowledge management. Community meetings offer employees a chance to interact on a one-on-one basis to discuss, compare and brainstorm new ideas and trends. The leaders of these communities who facilitate discussions are known as champions. A Community Maturity Model tracks its evolution from interest at the most basic level (comprising a few people just openly sharing ideas) to capacity building (applying the knowledge to create and innovate new …show more content…

On the technological front, building trust, sharing experiences and managing conflicts may be difficult with virtual teams. Differences in time zones and lack of face-to-face interactions may also pose a challenge.
In order to deal with these challenges, Mindtree could work on making participation in CoPs extrinsically/intrinsically rewarding. As discussed above they could apply knowledge acquired through social networks to organisational decision making in order to measure its success (Soo et al 2002). In the case of virtual interactions, they could build an environment of psychological safety wherein the resolution of conflict may be easier. They could also make optimal use of time during virtual meetings by setting agendas before hand and discussing relevant points during interactions (Cordery et al 2009).

Building Organisational Capital
Organisational capital stems form the culture and values systems within an organisation. As has been discussed so far, human and social capital revolve around active employee participation in interpersonal interaction, learning and knowledge sharing. In order to sustain these effectively, employees within an organisation must be skilled at creating, acquiring and transferring knowledge, also known as a Learning Organisation (Garvin et al 2008). Researchers have proposed three building blocks of such an institution. The first one is ‘a supportive learning environment’, which comprises factors

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