
Shawn Williams Interview

Decent Essays

Interview with Shawn Williams Shawn Williams is a dedicated employee of Flowers Foods for over twenty-two years. Shawn was kind enough to answer some questions in relation to his experience with Flowers Foods processes and procedures. What positions have you held during your career at Flowers? Shawn has worked his way up the corporate ladder. For instance, Shawn was a Regional Director and managed a $29 million territory in George which covered North and South Georgia. Shawn’s territory was comprised of five sales managers, three sales representatives, four bakery operators. and 36 distributors. The territory supplied various retailers such as Publix, Walmart, Food Deport, and Kroger stores. Today, Shawn is an Account Manager responsible for National Accounts such as 558 Dollar General stores, 228 Family Dollar and numerous Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club stores. Who are Flowers Foods’ Competitors? There is plenty of competition for fresh bread, buns, rolls and snack cakes. Flowers’ competitors include Bimbo Bakeries USA, the largest producer, and marketer of packaged bakery foods, as well as, Pepperidge Farm, independent bakers, and specialty bakers competing in the fresh bread aisles. How do customers order products from Flowers? …show more content…

For example, the distributors place the order Monday for a Saturday delivery and have until Wednesday to make changes based on customer demand. The demand for bread is higher at the beginning of the month and the third week of the month. Shawn can access any changes the distributor makes with their handheld devices such as increases or decreases and more importantly days sales and days of service. Once the order is received, it is transmitted to production and

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