
Sheep Heart Dissection Lab Report

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In this experiment, the external and internal structures of a sheep’s heart was examined and identified by dissection. To determine the functionality of a human heart since they are both mammals.


Based on the external observation, the left side of the heart appeared bigger than the right side. When looking at the heart internally, the right ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs, and the left ventricle to the rest of the body. Therefore the left ventricle needs to be stronger and bigger, than the right ventricle, as it has a larger role in the functioning the heart.

Apparatus Sheep’s heart
Dissection board
Aluminium foil


Safety goggles, gloves, and the lab coat were all put on.
The heart was arranged …show more content…

The left side of the heart appeared slightly bigger than the right side. The atria looked like flaps and were very flimsy compared to the ventricles. The ventricles appeared light pink in colour and were very big, taking up a lot of space in the heart. The arteries were identified, but the veins were not. A finger could be placed down the aorta.

Internal Observation

Inside the heart the four chambers were clearly defined and hollow. The wall on the left side of the heart was much thicker and firmer than the wall on the right side. The wall on the right side was very thin. The valves appeared stringy, stretchy and very long.


Interpretation of Results

The left side of the heart was bigger than the right side. This is because the left side of the heart, has the job of pumping the blood to all the body. The right side of the heart is smaller as it has only one job, which is to pump blood to the lungs. The atrium are very flimsy in comparison to the ventricles. The atria are small and flap like because it collects blood, whereas the ventricles actually pump the blood, so they are stronger muscles. This was why they were large and took up most of the room in the heart. There were two arteries coming out the top of the heart. These are the aorta and the pulmonary artery. Their elastic walls are very thick so that they can withstand high levels of blood pressure. …show more content…

Both the right and left atrium contract causing blood to flow though the two valves, and then into the left ventricle. The left ventricle pumps blood into the systemic circulation through the aorta. This systemic circulation system is much bigger than the pulmonary circulation system, which is why the left ventricle is so big. The blood on the left side of the heart is oxygenated. It becomes oxygenated when the deoxygenated blood passes through the right atrium and then flows into the left ventricle. It is then pumped along the pulmonary artery into the lungs where it is oxygenated. It then travels through the pulmonary veins back into the heart. It enters through the left atrium and then travels to the left ventricle. This process is repeated over and over again, to make blood continuously flow through the heart, lungs and body. This process ensures that there is always enough oxygen for the body to work

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