
Short Speech On Pollution

Decent Essays

Pollution has become a major problem in our everyday lives. Pollution is everywhere whether it is realized or not. It is in the air, in the water, in everything. Pollution is not the result of one person’s actions. We all contribute to its growth. Where do you think all your waste goes? In the environment around you. And that is exactly the problem. People do not seem to care because they do not see its effects clearly. What they do not realize is that it is right in front of their noses.
What is Pollution?
What is Considered to be Pollution?
Almost all waste is pollution. Plastic, glass, paper, tin, you name it. Pollution is something that negatively impacts our biosphere. That is all the portions of Earth that contain life. When you light that cigarette, you are polluting the air. When you leave that empty Pepsi bottle by the beach, you are polluting the water. Not just the water in that area. All water is connected. You are messing with the whole Hydrosphere at that point.
Who Causes Pollution? Every single living thing causes pollution. But who is the main cause? Humans are the number one cause of pollution. Our society seems to have an “I don’t care” attitude towards this problem. Everyone disposes of waste. Everything from a plastic fork to a broken television becomes pollution. It all collects and becomes a larger problem. No one sees it as their own fault though. And why is that? Humans like to look to bigger things. They see oil spills and things of that

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