
Short Story : The Day's Life

Decent Essays

A month has passed. Inside Cander’s room his alarm clock rings loudly at 5:30am. Cander’s outstretched arm comes swinging down to shut it off. He sits up to expose his bare back, a muscular man, he stands up to reveal his lean, defined appearance. He navigates through the darkened hallway, flicking a light on in a small adjacent room with a wooden floor. He grabs a jump rope from a nearby bench and begins jumping. Cander’s feet skip over the rope as it quickly taps on the hardwood floor. The rope is set aside, sweat starts to drip from his face as he pushes himself up off the ground. Switching from push-up to pull-up, Cander doesn’t waste a second, hopping up and down from one exercise to the next. After several minutes of …show more content…

A towering skyscraper rising high into the clouds, the reflection of the sunlight gives the building a glistened, heavenly shine. “Yes I’ll be able make it... Alright at 5... I’m on my way to work right now. Ok see you then.” Cander puts his phone back in his pocket, ignoring the multiple missed calls from his mother. The interior of the headquarters is more condensed in comparison to the sheer size of the exterior. Several thin metal desks are lined in rows, sleek grey metal chairs behind each one. The open office space is rather quiet. The few people at their desks are busy writing and typing. The only closed office space reserved for Nichols. Cander’s desk is organized; a single pen rests atop a stack of papers next to his computer monitor. “Cander!” Nichols waves Cander towards his half opened office door. “Another unfortunate event has occurred in the Pines. A fire has caused the death of seven people and the destruction of three apartments. Early reports there state that there were unauthorized Ichor products in the building as well.” “You believe the people who brought the Ichor products there may have caused the fire as well?” Cander asks. Nichols stands up and walks to the front of his desk and sits on the edge. “The buildings in the Pines; you never know what can happen with the wiring in those things. I just know that if it involves Ichor at all, we have to investigate.” “I might want to go down to one of our distribution centers, see if anyone

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