
Should Animal Testing Be Used For Scientific Or Commercial Testing? Essay

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From the moment that the research project was assigned to me, I had a pretty good idea on the topic that I wanted to write about for the semester. Animal testing is a broad and controversial topic to many people because scientist and doctors are testing products on animals. Instead of testing on animals there are other ways to test products on. To prevent animal testing, one can buy cruelty-free products, educate others, help stop cosmetic testing or make donations to organizations that are against testing on animals. For my topic, I choose to research whether animals should be used for scientific or commercial testing. I intend to argue that there are other ways to test drugs, cosmetics, or household cleaning supplies on, rather than using animals for their research experiments. To argue my point, I plan on looking into animal testing in depth and how it is cruel and inhumane. To start I will look at the history, because animal testing dates back to around five hundred B.C. Then intend to look at the laws and regulations that are in place for the use of animals in research, like The Animal and Welfare Act (AWA). Then I will look at what companies and organizations are for or against animal testing, for example, Mary Kay, Avon, and Maybelline are some of the companies that test their products on animals. While the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics, Physicians

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