
Should Mongols Be Viewed In History Essay

Decent Essays

Question: How should the Mongols be viewed in history?

Thesis: Within China, the Mongols should be viewed as morally reprehensible people who brutally murdered and raped millions of people, using pure evil tactics to take over nearly all of Eurasia.

The Mongols were a group of nomadic people that used brutal military techniques to conquer large amounts of land in very little time. Within a century, the Mongols conquered nearly all of Eurasia and China, with an empire that stretched from the Arabian Peninsula to the Pacific Ocean. The Mongols leader, Genghis Khan, had one simple rule “Whoever submits shall be spared, but those who resist, they shall be destroyed with their wives, children and dependents” (Strayer, 534). This quote gives a brief sense of how the Mongols operated. If you …show more content…

Furthermore, the Mongols raped any women they wanted to, which resulted in many additional deaths.

The Mongols used brutal military tactics to conquer so much land in so little time. For example, one key tactic they used involved a fake withdrawal, where the Mongol army would pretend to have been defeated, and when the enemy troops started to leave the Mongol army would come out of nowhere and proceed to ruthlessly slaughter the enemy (Asia for Educators). In addition, the Mongols had technology that was much more advanced than their enemies. Khan used the “hit and run” style of fighting where his army would come in on their horses and quickly shoot down their enemies and then retreat into the steppes and mountains (Asia for Educators). The Mongols had the key advantage in fighting and combat for two main reasons. First, the Mongols lived in one of the most harsh environments on the planet. The weather was extreme and

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