
Should People Be Allowed To Keep Animals In Captivity

Decent Essays

Animals in Captivity

Everyday people go to zoos with intentions of having a good time without realizing they are paying for animals to be held in captivity for the rest of their lives. In recent discussion, the decision to keep animals in captivity is a very controversial topic. Many people are towards the decision that zookeepers should keep the wild animals captive for the entertainment of others, while on the contrary many are against it. However nobody has done anything to get the animals out. The people who are against setting them free believe that the animals are living a much better life than they would outside and that they are better for keeping entertainment for the public but what they do not see is what happens when the zoo is closed and how they are treated outside of the public's eye, which is what the people who are against it tend to see. Not only do animals not like being held in captivity but also it gives them stress, anxiety and …show more content…

Many animals never see life outside of cages because they are taken in from when they are babies and kept until they die. With zoos existing for hundreds of years people have never noticed how wrong it is to keep animals in cages. Animals all over the world are affected because they get taken away and never know what it is really like to live in the wild. Zoos are not a perfect place to keep animals, more animals are abused and hurt inside of zoos. One day a wallaby was suppose to be getting taken care of by its zookeeper but the zookeeper was not paying attention because the wallaby drowned in a bucket of water. In another case a spider monkey had frost bite but was not treated soon enough so zookeepers were forced to euthanize the spider monkey (Jouvenal). More accidents take place inside of zoos than they would if animals were released to the wild. Everyday animals die in captivity due to zookeepers that don't pay attention to the

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