
Should Same Sex Marriage Be Legal?

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Since June 2015, Supreme Court declares same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states (, 2015). This movement caused the nation to be torn between those who were for and those who were against same-sex marriage. Although the nation has made a huge step forward, its’ people still have so much more to learn about what this movement means overall. In regards to same-sex marriage, people only think just as it states same-sex marriage, but how about the others who do not quite fit into either heterosexuality or homosexuality? Outside from heterosexuality, there are so many other types of sexual orientation. The current stereotypes of homosexuality and other types of sexualities have a negative connotation. In today’s society, it is perhaps the lack of education, and religious beliefs that caused this rift. Many people do not realize that there is a difference between gender identity and sexual orientation. As well that there is many different types of sexual orientations and what they all mean. The country, itself, has presented itself has proudly heterosexual for a long time. This causes the people who are not heterosexual to feel discomfort in their own cities.
Some people may confuse sexual orientation with gender identity, and vice versa. They often confuse these two terms because they are often unsure of the correct definition. Sexual orientation is sexual and romantically attracted towards a certain sex (American Psychological Association, 2011). This means that a

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