School uniforms are everyday clothes for kids all across America. Students have been taken away their first amendment right to be able to express themselves freely and that is not right. There are many reasons that school uniforms should be taken away and these are just a few. School uniforms restrict students from being able to express themselves, the students oppose the uniforms, and uniforms have an effect on self-image.
The first reason students should not be wearing uniforms is because it is restricting students on being able to express themselves. The first amendment states that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely. So why should that right be taken away from students. According to American Civil Liberties, it
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Some may say that the uniforms will help with grades and fights, but that was not the case. Students took and survey and the results were reviewed by the students at the University of Nevada. According to the results, 90% of seventh and eighth grade public school students did not like wearing uniforms and also in 2007, a survey of Harford County, MD public school student found that 87.9% of students were opposed of wearing the school uniforms. According to, “In the year following the introduction of mandatory school uniforms to the Long Beach (CA) Unified School District, 81% of middle school students said uniforms did not reduce fights,” The survey later showed that “76% said they did not help them fit in at school, 69% said they did not make them feel more connected with the school community, and 71% said they felt no safer traveling to and from school.” This information shows that uniforms did not benefit students in some of the main aspects of school. That is the second reason why students should not have to wear school …show more content…
Self-image is very important to a student. According to, “When students have to wear the same outfits, rather than being allowed to select clothes that suit their body types, they can suffer embarrassment at school.” Some of the problems about school uniforms is that everybody has to wear the same outfit, so that can lead to students comparing how they look in their uniform to another. In A 2003 study by researchers at Arizona State University found that "students from schools without uniforms reported higher self-perception scores than students from schools with uniform policies." Also, some uniforms can be uncomfortable and that may not be conductive to
The first major reason for not wearing school uniforms is, it forces a student to conceal his or her individuality. To many people, it appears that the school system is trying to strip away this individuality on purpose, but now is the time that the school should be embracing it and helping the student become the person they are meant to become. “According to opponents of uniforms, even preschoolers should have input into their wardrobe, and the need to encourage personality, confidence, and independence grows more important as the student becomes older” (Chen). Because of this lack of self-expression, students feel their first amendment is being violated and most people would agree, which causes the school to look bad. Another way of looking at it is they are forcing students to become on mold, or one certain way of being. However, the problem with making them one is, no matter how they look they will still have their own individual personality traits that will come out in the end. If forced to wear the uniforms, many students would express these traits by adding things to their uniform such as brightly colored gems for girls and different
Uniforms violate our first amendment. It doesn’t let students be themselves in the way they want to dress. There are pros about having uniform, but there are more cons because clothes don’t break rules. Students should not be required to wear school uniform.
Some students have been tied into the misconceptions of the First Amendment Rights. One of which are uniforms and personal clothing, uniforms are used in a lot of schools, it is used for discipline, school safety, and to prevent political and social problems (Faqs). Students have the right to know, meaning they have the right to ask questions and to know what they are doing (Banning Books from the Classroom). Parents also have the right to protest against school work or books that could cause harm to their children (Banning Books from the
First of all, mandatory school uniforms deny students rights, stated in the U.S constitution. In the first Amendment, it states, “congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech. Recently, a student at Riverside Middle School, wore a pink shirt with a message on it that stated, “ #TeamTanya” He was spreading awareness for his mother, who had breast cancer. With school uniforms, this student would not be able to spread awareness for his mother. Not only it would be against what the U.S.A. stands for, it would be uncivilized and send a bad message to other countries around the world.
Society is made up of different body types and uniforms are just that, uniform. Wearing something that does not fit right is extremely uncomfortable and distracting. If a student sitting in the classroom is trying to pay attention to a lesson, but has to constantly adjust their clothing in a worthless attempt to get comfortable, this can be extremely disruptive to the class as a whole because the teacher has to periodically remind the student to stop fidgeting and pay attention. The drawing of this attention to the student and their clothing can be detrimental to their self-confidence, and make them a target for other students to make fun of them. “The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) opposes uniforms on the grounds that they violate students’ rights to freedom of expression as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution.” (“School Uniforms”). How a student dresses will not directly improve their grades, and making them wear a uniform will curb their expression of individuality. Having to alter a uniform to fit body type can get extremely expensive.
Student should be free to wear whatever they want. Students have shown how strong and considerate they are of others. Students have learned to not judge a book by its cover. School uniforms never really capture the full creativity of a student. Students need to be thinking of their future kids and if they want their kids to wear uniforms. Many students have complained about school uniforms because they feel like their not themselves. Students love to be free and not told what to wear. The parents have even complained about the school uniforms in many ways. The parents have said school uniforms are way too expensive and don’t want to pay as much. Parents do not feel it is right that their kids can not express themselves because of school uniforms. Parents want to see their kids grow up with creativity and imagination. Therefore school uniforms should be abolished from
Some schools are for uniforms. Uniforms eliminate individuality. The first amendment of the U.S Constitution guarantees that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely. According to the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, allowing students to choose their clothing is sending a powerful message that students are maturing and they are relying on self determination.
First, school uniforms take away the students freedom of expression. The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely. This points out, that by making everyone wear the same clothes, it takes away expressing who they are. Your clothes say a lot about who you are as a person and what personality you have and when you take that away, you take away the chance to express yourself.
Have you ever wondered how it would be like for all schools to have uniforms? Or how would it feel like to have to wear the same thing every day to school and not have to worry about what you're going to wear? Or even worry about following the school dress code? Well schools all around the world have uniforms and some don’t, but should your school have uniforms or would you keep your privilege of picking what you want to wear under the regulations of dress code? Here are some reasons why or why not school uniforms should be aloud.
In summary, schools should not have uniforms. They do not allow students to express themselves. Also, they teach conformity over individuality. In addition to being useless in schools, they do not improve attendance, academic preparedness, or test results. Really, they do not improve anything. If you were a principal, would you enforce a uniform
School uniforms also serve little to no purpose in benefiting the education of children around America. A uniform does not help a student learn things that they need to know. A uniform does not help a student study, take notes, or make flash cards. They bring no educational value to the table of learning. According to many educators and experts, “Uniforms do not improve academics, behavioral and social outcomes, or reduce discrimination or crime” (Farrell). So if a uniform cannot help a student increase their knowledge or grow as a person, why make students wear them?
Today, many schools around the world enforce uniforms, requiring students to wear specific clothing. School uniforms, which was first established in 16th century England, are a topic of much debate in the public school system of the United States. Many people feel that uniforms reduce competition among students and bring a sense of unity in school. People who are against school uniforms think that they prevent students from expressing themselves and inhibits creativity. Many students dislike school uniforms because uniforms can be viewed as a violation of their rights, while others benefit from uniforms because it relieves the stress of picking what to wear to school. Although school uniforms do have its benefits, they also limit
Uniforms should not be required because they don’t stop bullying and intellectual decline. A uniform being put on a person doesn’t affect their grades because a uniform doesn’t change how one's mind works. When one school was required to wear a uniform for a semester and wasn’t required to wear a uniform for another semester and then the semester grades of students were looked at, in the article “Back to School Shoppers Debate” by Courtenay Edelhart she states “The transition didn’t affect grades” (Edelhart). Why do schools continuously still think that a uniform is a solution to their problems? The real reason is the schools think that uniforms will work as a band-aid for low grades, but according to this research that didn’t work. Another thing that schools want uniforms for is to decrease disciplinary problems and gang relations. They think that by making students wear uniforms they will not fight. Again a uniform doesn’t change how the brain works. In an article called “School Uniforms” it states “Several academic research studies, they point out, have found that uniforms have no quantifiable effect on academic achievement, attendance, or discipline” (School Uniforms 1). The study was done several times which clearly shows that the first study wasn’t a fluke. This study found things on discipline issues, and it backed up research on academic issues. Both of these studies suggest that a uniform will not help the growing violence and academic levels in schools.
School uniforms are something that is very popular in other countries, but, when it comes to America, it just isn’t that simple. School uniforms have been a very controversial topic in public schools, many schools fight against them but some also are accepting them. A common argument against school uniforms is that it takes away the student's ability to express themselves and that it would be hard to enforce and cost a lot of money. While there are some potential problems with school uniforms they are still surprisingly beneficial. Public schools should require students to wear school uniforms to increase safety and decrease violence.
Why do we need uniforms? Most student have their own style, but a common argument against school uniforms is that they take away the students right to show their sense of style, creativity and culture. Yes, school uniforms may limit what the students have to wear, but he/she can still have their own ways of self-expression in many forms. Students can still express their style of choice by what shoes they pick, color of the shoe laces, how he or she styles their hair, what accessories they add, jacket they wear or socks; there are many ways. Uniforms are still versatile where they will not be breaking the dress code policy the school has set. Just because a student can’t wear the most latest Polo ,Lacrosse , or Hollister shirt or jeans to school doesn’t mean that his/her rights are taken away. School should be a place where Children come to learn, not to scope out the latest fashion trend. Outside of school, kids can wear and show off their unique sense of style.