
Should Students Wear Uniforms?

Decent Essays

Composition 101
16 September 2012
Should Students Have to Wear Uniforms

We are living in the 21st century which technology and fashion are designed for the young people, especially students. They want to use and wear something new, modern and style. Most of the students need to wear whatever they want to school to show other people. The school should have a policy for students to wear a uniform. School is an education center; it is not a fashion show place. All students should wear uniform at school. When students wear uniform the school develops a disciplined climate, the students feel equal in spite of the fact that some people say that student should not wear uniforms because lose important freedoms.

Uniform helps students …show more content…

Opponents say that students should not wear uniforms because of lose important freedoms. In their age, students need to express their opinion or what they want to do. We live in the freedom country, and people can do whatever they require. We are parents should encourage their children to develop their brain. We should not ban them in any reasons to express their opinion. For example, if they want to decorate their body with clothes or jewelry, we should bring to them. If we do

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