
Sid Vicious Research Paper

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Sid Vicious was born on May 10, 1957 in London, England. He had a difficult childhood. His father left when he was young. His mother grew deep in debt and she developed a heroin addiction. As he grew up Vicious adopted a punk and rebellious style. He dropped out of high school and became a vocalist for a couple of bands including The Flowers of Romance and The Vicious White Kids. In 1977, the manager of the Sex Pistols, Malcolm McLaren asked Vicious to join the band. Sid Vicious met Nancy Spungen in 1977, he brought her on the Sex Pistols’ U.S. tour. During the tour the band broke up after only eight concerts. This was because of their constant drug use and personal conflicts. One of the biggest conflicts was the band’s dislike of Spungen. After the band broke up, Sid Vicious went solo with Nancy Spungen as his manager. This did not work out well because the two of them were on drugs most of the time. They took heroin, barbiturates, and a synthetic form of morphine. They lived in the Chelsea Hotel in Manhattan and spent most of their time there. Their constant drug use caused their relationship to start falling apart. They began beating each other, though …show more content…

She was stabbed in the abdomen, one inch deep. When the police searched her room they found drugs, drug paraphernalia, and a blood stained Jaguar K-11 folding knife, a knife that Nancy bough Sid as a gift. When the police found Sid Vicious in the hallway he was crying. A neighbor reported that he admitted the murder to her. Vicious was then subdued and arrested for second degree murder. On October 16, 1978, Virgin Records posted his bail and he was released. His mother flew down from England to take care of him. While he was let out on bail he had two suicide attempts. Then on February 1, 1979, during a party celebrating his release, he overdosed on his mom’s supply of heroin and was found dead on the morning of February

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