
Sigmund Freud And Erikson's Stages Of Life

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Erik Erikson was a psychoanalytic as Sigmund Freud was, but had a dispute of how each one view the development of the human being. Erikson will in many stages contradict or misinterpret what Freud’s findings had to say about the development stages of the human. He later developed what he called the stages of psychosocial model. This model is a representation of the human life cycle, it includes infancy, early childhood, adolescent, adulthood, and old age. These stages were development after Sigmund Freud’s psychosexual theory, in which it constituted of the oral, anal phallic, and genital. Erikson debated Freud did not touch base on an important stage of life, which was adulthood at and old age, Freud had stopped his stages at the genital …show more content…

In scenarios like this it is important to consider the child is building trust on the mother but also on themselves, they can wait for their need to be met. The need being met also brings reassurance of nurturing from the maternal figure to the child, that will bring trust ad security. The approach Erikson took in this first stage was important towards the development of children trust and how beneficial it can be for their long-term success in all different life achievement. Building a strong based, from a young age, allows children to grow with reassurance, when he commits mistakes, it can be fix by looking for a solution and not given up. Preparing children for absolute success from a young age, it starts with the trust they gain in their selves.
The second stage as Erikson presents it is autonomy versus shame and doubt, to which a basic strength arises, “will”. As children have the will and necessity to be independent, they fight with disappointments and achievement. If children fail to do the intended objective and does not accomplish they can start to gain doubts and turn them to be ashamed to try it again. Contrary, it is a normal crisis in children development, it is intended to create strength in future stages. In future stages, it would allow children to have a potential “grow to become faith” (Erikson 1998, p. 78). Understanding the magnitude autonomy of a child is important, the way the child convey

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